Prompt 13 reply...already?!

Apr 28, 2008 03:21

Not really dearest, but something of the sort…I guess…Yukito,

You probably just woke up, with that hair of yours a mess, because unlike me, you probably only brush your hair when you remember. I know you’ve just set the rice maker on, and now are checking on the mail that has arrived, because the pre-seasoned rice you bought at the grocery store takes less than 5 minutes to be done. You are as lazy as that Yue, which probably just noticed what you were doing when you read his name. You see, my powers are that cool.

I’m writing to you, because, well, Eriol started to write to Sakura the moment he received her last letter, you know, the one where she said something about the summer festival, and Suppi sent some probably smart-yet-unkind words to Cerberus, and I just…well, Touya won’t read my letter. Not that I care if he does or not, he stopped being interesting the moment you took his powers; but since I know he won’t even be bothered if I send him a letter or not, I wrote to you :P

Now, where was I? Ah, yes! England. Well, unexpectedly it’s not raining over here. It’s a nice break from your humid Japan summer, though it won’t last long. The gardens at the mansion…remember the mansion? I suppose, even if you are over 300 years old, you must remember something about it. Well, the front gardens are blooming and the roses are gorgeous. I have bought some tulip bulbs, and will proceed to plant them surrounding the center fountain. Eriol just popped in behind me, and told me that it’s one of your preferred flowers, but I had no knowledge about it. He says that I did, in fact, knew it to be so; I still deny said knowledge prior my purchase.

And now you are wondering why I didn’t erase those last lines? It seems my master has made it one of his goals in life to annoy everyone he knows, and their mothers, and that sadly includes me. If I do erase those lines, then he’ll just charm the letter to say something stupid like “Ruby likes Yue ♥, she sits him on a tree, trying to k-i-s-s him!” over and over, until there’s nothing else but that on the piece of paper. See? Pure rubbish, he is singing it as I write.

Unfortunately for me, I have to deal with him. I bet you are completely jealous that I got to keep him, and yes I know, he is quite a magical catch, but you know what that evil monster makes me do? I have to cook! Now, I am an excellent cook, and both Eriol and Suppi can attest to that, but it pushes my creativity having to do it every day. I have to find a new, delicious dish for every single day, because no one will ever complain that Nakuru Akizuki made an awful, boring meal. And no matter how much I love Kaho, she should never be allowed inside a kitchen. Which reminds me, you can’t really cook Yukito, and I can. I mean, you know how to cook, but knowing is not the same as actual prowess. What you love is eating, after all. And yes, you do love eating, Yue.

I missed England, I really did. I missed my house, and I missed the shops! But I guess I sort of miss Japan, too. Don’t tell Eriol I ever said that! All I did in Japan, besides bothering you and Touya, was nagging Eriol to come back. And I’m worried about you, because the Master said something really scary after reading that last letter. You do know that when I say “you” I mean it as in “all of you” and not just “you”, right? Yeah, you don’t get smart ideas, mister!!

The truth is…I wish you were here, though I certainly don’t wish to be there. There’s nothing we can do here to help you, but pray for your safety. I keep having nightmares ever since the letter, of you being swallowed into nothing, along with Cerberus; and the Mistress, all alone. I keep waking up just when Sakura is about to disappear.

I don’t want you to disappear, so promise me, you’ll take care of yourself. You made that promise to Touya, and now I want you to make that promise to me. For once, I want you to be selfish. I’ll never forgive you if you let that thing beat you; only I will have the pleasure of knowing that I bested the Guardian of the Clow (because we all know that I won that fight).

I just keep hoping this letter reaches you in time, and that the worse won’t come to happen. But, always remember the Mistress’ invincible spell.

And don’t do anything I would do!! (That’s what I’m most scared of…)

♥  Nakuru Akizuki  ♥

Yukito scratched his head and yawned, leaving the letter on the kitchen countertop, as he served himself some rice. He was still half asleep and very tired from the events that destroyed the Nadeshiko Festival, so he didn’t really pay much attention to said letter and left it lying there, until a few days later when Touya found it.

It was later known in a letter from Sakura, that Touya had ripped the thing to shreds and warned Yukito that if “the leech” ever latched to his neck, then they would be “over faster than Cerberus could say ‘pudding’”. Sakura admitted not knowing the entire meaning of the phrase since her brother was yelling in English, and was confused on the term “over”. But then, apparently, Yukito explained to her what Touya had meant, and she was happy for them, while agreeing that her brother was “as romantic as a rock”. A few days later after Sakura’s letter, a ‘Thank You’ note arrived for Nakuru Akizuki, signed by Yue.

If Ruby Moon meant to bother Touya or not on purpose was never disclosed by the former, though experts say they wouldn’t be surprised.

I've been rather active, don't you think? that's what happens when your muse is blocked on other stories and you have vacation time. I'm doubting whether to tag this "Nakuru/Yukito" because it's one-sided and it would be alone under that tag XD

edit: fixed the tulips bulb thing.

nakuru, yue, yukito

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