Finally, Challenge response!

Mar 28, 2006 14:21

Challenge: Seasons
Canon: Yes, um… post-manga I guess, or post-anime
Words: About 540
Rating: PG
Genre: Introspection
Title: Seasons Change
Pairing: SxS and ExT, but not romance, mild
Summary: Syaoran compares the people around him to seasons

Yue reminded him of winter, all frosted glances and snow-white. Yukito was spring, a gentle breeze and bright green grass. Sakura was also a spring child, though hers was a more delicate sort, reminding one of falling cherry blossoms in bloom. He pegged Touya as autumn, because he wasn’t harsh enough for winter but he could be dangerous when pressed. He wasn’t quite sure what Eriol was, he defied definition, and Tomoyo, well… that was tricky. She reminded him of violets and gray fur. Not summer… maybe she also was autumn, like Touya.
Summer though.
He would have pegged their group as lacking summer, if not for Cerberus, or the plushie, as he was more wont to call it. The plushie was tawny gold and strawberries.
What was he?

When he asked Sakura, she laughed, and said that he was winter. He looked offended, but only for a second. She hastily explained that he was winter, but not winter in the cold and ice sense. He was more like hot chocolate after one had been out playing in the snow, bitter at first taste, but then sweet with marshmallows. It was a lot like the way their relationship had worked out too.
Kero-chan butted in, and said that he wasn’t winter at all, and Sakura was wrong, he was autumn! He only brought cold words and anger and he was no use whatsoever, he was the onset of a biting cold rain and sleet.
That hadn’t pleased him at all.
Sakura had flushed, and then Touya had cut in. the stuffed animal was close, he said, but not close enough.
He wasn’t autumn. He was already winter! He was a snowman that should have melted away when the sunny days of spring brought a hint of gentleness to the air and flowers bloomed. No doubt Touya was still hoping that his relationship with Sakura would just melt away like that too. Needless to say, Sakura had stamped on his foot with an adorable scowl. He himself made a mental note to introduce Touya to his sisters again sometime soon. He could use it!
But things were not that bad, really. Adjusting to life in Tomoeda was not too difficult. Sakura still loved him, and that was what counted. How had they gotten on the topic of seasons in the first place?
Tomoyo did not answer as she twined her fingers with Eriol’s. If not for his sharp eyes he would have missed it, a motion at once knowing and at another shy. He didn’t bother to analyze their relationship. She was autumn to Eriol’s winter, for that was surely what he was. Perhaps there were many types of seasons in one class. Not all springs were created equal, but he knew he liked spring.
But now that he thought of it, Yukito wasn’t really a spring child, he was a false spring, because behind him Yue was winter and winter was dangerous. Besides, now he had stepped from the barren chill of winter into true spring. He smiled at Sakura.
“You’re just too difficult to categorize, my cute little descendant.” Eriol stated blandly, and they all laughed, and the conversation drifted to other matters.

End Fic
Completed 3/28/06
All I can say is that this Author tried, despite midterms, to write this!


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