There is, unfortunately, no known cure for family.

Feb 12, 2006 15:10

Not a challenge response, unfortunately. Still, it's fic, and that's good, right?

Title: Incomprehensible
Canon: Post-Possible.
Genre: Humor, Romance-ish.
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 for implication.
Summary: Yue has a talk with Kero.
Note: Sequel to laurus_nobilis's story Glad We Understand Each Other. I hope she doesn't mind. I also hope this is even a fraction as good. I recommend reading it first, so you know what's going on.

Sakura was mostly used to all the strange happenings that went with being the world’s strongest sorceress. Requests for help from everyone from whales to heliopaths, constant awareness of things most people never knew existed, a family tree that doubled back on itself like a Moebius band…she was used to those. She was not used to one of her Guardians shifting form in the entryway, marching rather than floating for once up the stairs, and dragging her other Guardian down by one ear.


Yue paused and bowed politely. “My apologies. I require a…word…with my brother, if you have no objection.

“Oh,” said Sakura. “Okay.”

They left, Kero trying to wriggle free of Yue’s death grip on his ear. Sakura shrugged and went back to her homework. She needed to get it all done so she could sleep over at Tomoyo’s house without feeling worried.

* * *

“What,” Yue said with icy calm, “have you been saying to Touya?”

Kero, finally released and in his big form, fidgeted. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Yue raised an eyebrow. “Really, little brother?”

“I’m no younger than you are!”

“Not technically, no, but in terms of personality…You are avoiding the subject, Keroberos. To-ya-“

“Oh, it’s To-ya for you too, now? Something I should know?”

“Keroberos!” Yue was not blushing. It was a trick of the light. “As I was saying, Touya seems to be under the impression you threatened him. Why might that be?”

“Natural paranoia?” Kero hazarded.


“Okay, okay, so maybe I kinda had a chat with ‘Niichan a couple days ago.”

“What kind of a ‘chat’?” Yue asked, words painfully precise.

Kero squirmed under his brother’s gaze. “We just…talked about the brat and…Ikindathreatenedtokillhimifhehurtyouoranythingthat’sallIswear!”

It took Yue a moment to parse this. “Threatened…if he…I see.” The chill in his voice was approaching absolute zero. “And while we’re on the subject, might you know why Touya has been so nervous when we’re in his room lately?”

“Oh,” said Kero in a minute voice. “That.”

“What, exactly?”

“Um…you see…I…said he’d have to…um…bribe me with okonomiyaki if you two wanted to, you know, be alone, so, um, yeah. Bye!” Kero took off while Yue was still editing out all the ‘ums’. He wasn’t a complete idiot.

* * *

“Oniichan?” Sakura asked her brother, who was making dinner. “Yue-san is outside in the yard trying to skewer Kero-chan and yelling something about ‘no-good, interfering brothers who can’t keep their mouths shut’. Do you know what’s going on?”

Touya glanced out the window. His eyes widened at the sight. If Yue usually looked like a distant, uncaring angel, at the moment he looked like he was trying vengeance on for size. It was a good look. He didn’t often lose his temper, but when he did he really lost it. Fortunately for Kero, it was affecting his aim. “I think Yue’s defending my honor,” he said eventually with a grin. “Don’t worry about it. Are you having dinner with Tomoyo-san or here?”

“Oh, with Tomoyo-chan. Is that all right?”

“Sure. More okonomiyaki for us.” Touya returned to cooking. “And I’ll probably have to feed the plushie extra anyway, after this.” He looked out the window again, opened it, called, “Stay out of sight, you two!” and went back to cooking, whistling and looking vaguely, almost dreamily into space.

Sakura would never understand her family.

kero, yue

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