(no subject)

Jan 08, 2006 21:32

Challenge: Dreams
Title: Why Touya Blocked Nakuru's Number From His Cell Phone
Rating: PG-13
Canon: From around the beginning of the Sakura-card arc
Length: ~680 words
Summary: Excerpts from Touya's answering machine of Nakuru telling Touya her wild dreams about him. Title self explanatory.

Hello, Kinomoto Touya, and welcome to your inbox. You have.. forty-two.. new messages.

Message one.

“TOOUUYAA-KUNN!! It’s me, Nakuru, but I think you know that!! It was so cute, you added that part in your message JUST FOR ME!! Hehehe! That whole ‘And if your last name is Akizuki, your message will be entirely ignored’ bit!! That’s so cute!! And you’ve only just met me yesterday..

“Anyway, you’re at home with your sister and father right now but Naomi-chan gave me your cell number and I just HAD to tell you about this dream I had last night! It was really really cool… Anyway, anyway!! I was back home in England, and YOU WERE THERE TOO!! I couldn’t have been more happy, but you were holding a RED POPSICLE!! And so of course I had to take it.. After all, red’s for Communism and we in England are not going to change like you guys into Commi--” Beep.

Message two.

“Eri-I mean, my mas-I mean.. TOUYA-KUN!! This is Nakuru again! I was told that I’m getting Japan and China mixed up and you are in fact NOT Communist. I was ALSO told that that sort of scare was thirty years ago.. but you know, ONLY thirty years, same diff. Eh?”

Message three.

“I’ve just been reminded that I’m like seventeen years old, Touya-kun~! (Nakuru again!) In fact, thirty years is a lot different! But isn’t it mean, Touya-kun, everyone around me keeps hitting the receiver and lecturing me.. I think there’s no need to be so shifty and suspicious-like! I see it in your eyes, you already know about Clo-“

Message four.

“Eheheheh! Touya-kun, this is Nakuru!! I forgot to tell you my dream. You were holding a red popsicle, and boy, did it look yummy! And we were in London, you and me, it was really cool, and we had to of course go see the Changing of the Guards!! Those cheeky little sentries were all bustling around in their red uniforms and.. it was really really cool, but it was really really really even cooler with you!!”

A little bit muffled, “Use your vocabulary, Ruby. You know more than that.”

With a slightly more annoyed tone, “Oh, shut up, Supp-iii.. Anyway, Touy-“

Message five.

“Argh, are your messages only allowed to be like two minutes long?? I’ll have to talk reallyreally fast then!! (It’s-Nakuru-can-you-recognize-me-yet?) So-anyway-then-while-you-were-watching-the-guards-I-bit-your-neck-and-sucked-all-your-blood-out-like-a-vampiress-only-it-wasn’t-blood-it-was-MAGIC!!

“…I can tell him that, silly Suppi, it’s ‘just a dream’ after all and you won’t listen to me anymore! Living in a house with only two other sentient beings sucks, Touya-kun. Wait a minute... you do too.. or, is it three..?”

Message six.

“Ignore that last message, hehehe! After the whole blood-sucking sort of occasion, you were really weak and sort of died but that was OK because you were just a dream-Touya and if I wanted to I could dream about an ARMY of Touyas, all dressed up in those red uniforms and really fluffy hats with bayonets and, and on a sail boat.. but oh no! Here come the Tsukishiro-pirates! To steal all your magic-gold! I hope that doesn’t happennnn.. Touya-kun, be careful, nee!! Dreams can have more truth in them then one would think..”

Message seven.

“I had another dream about you, Touya!! I slept in really late and was sick yesterday that’s why I couldn’t glomp you this morning or the day before.. but that’s OK, I’ll get you when I arrive at school soon! Anyway, I was written a late pass to get in and I can just fill in the time when I get in so it looks like I only took a few minutes to get here.

“So THAT means I can tell you about all eight of my past dreams I had yesterday with you in them!!! Aren’t you excited!?

“OK, so in my NEXT one.. you and I were at the beach frolicking in the radiant sunlight, only we had no clothes on!! It was really neat. Your pe-“



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