Secret Santa for Novagirl

Dec 25, 2005 07:58

Topic: Secret Santa
Genre: fluffy
Canon: Um.... post-anime?
Length: 521 words
Rating: G
Task: "Yue + Christmas Carols. Any way you want to put it together. :)"

For Novagirl - Marry Christmas!

It was December again. Yukito was curled up next to Touya on the couch and poring over the local paper in search of job advertisements,

There were children outside the house, knee-deep in snow and singing Christmas carols as though their lives depended on it. He’d wanted to get up and see them. Touya has insisted that they would leave if they ignored them.

Deep in Yukito’s consciousness, Yue was free to think - or not think - as he pleased, and he was remembering a something similar from the days when he had been young and the world had been bright and new and strange to him.

He hadn’t remembered those days for a long time. Recently, he’d been making a conscious effort not to. Clow was dead, and he had a new mistress now…

The children had been signing then, too, on a December evening by the fire in his aster’s study. Keroberus was asleep, so it had been quiet until they had started up outside the door.

“Master,” he had asked, a small frown creasing his forehead. Clow had glanced up from his studies, waiting attentively for Yue to speak. “Why do they do that? Sing, I mean.”

Clow had marked his page and set down his book. He linked his fingers, watching his pale creation over the bridge made. It was a considering look. “Do you know what they’re singing?” he asked.

Yue had frowned again in thought. From behind the heavy wooden doors, he could hear the children howling tunelessly, but he couldn’t pick out the words. He shook his head. Keroberus snored by the fire.

“They’re singing Christmas carols,” Clow had explained. Yue had blinked. “They’re songs that people sing to celebrate Christmas,” he elaborated with a gentle smile. Yue had always liked that smile.

“Why do they celebrate Christmas?” Yue asked innocently, cocking his head.

“That’s a good question” Clow had replied and favoured him with another smile. “Strictly speaking,” he continued, and his eyes had seemed very old and wise to Yue just then, “It is a religious festival intended to celebrate the birth of a great prophet,” he said, “but many people celebrate it regardless of their religion now.”

Yue had blinked again and frowned. “But if they don’t believe in it, why would they celebrate it?”

Clow’s smile had only widened. “Because it’s fun,” he said.

Yue frowned again, feeling that there was, perhaps, something slightly wrong with that. How could standing out in the freezing snow and bellowing at the top of one’s lungs be fun? But he had nodded respectfully anyway.

Many years later, on a Christmas eve not at all similar to the one in question, Clow had taken a thin, dusty little book from his highest shelf. That year, he taught both of his creations to sing Christmas Carols, despite the unfortunate fact that he was mostly tone-deaf.

Back in the present, or forward in the present, depending on your point of view, Yuki began to hum along absently with the children outside the door. Touya gave him an odd look - Yuki usually had such a nice tone.

Thank you for getting this far and Merry Christmas.


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