Nov 10, 2005 13:23
Would anyone be interested in doing a "Secret Santa" holiday fic exchange?
I'm just thinking out loud here, but basically... anyone who wanted to participate would email me with a couple of fic prompts (including characters/pairings/genres/etc) they'd like written for them. Each request would be assigned to someone in the group, and then during the month of December, you'd write and post the fic as a "Secret Santa" gift for your fellow community member. It would just be something short, maybe 300 to 500 words, and participation would be voluntary.
I'm putting this idea out there now so I can see if anyone is interested. I think we'd need at least ten participants to make it worth the trouble. So please comment below if this is something you'd like to do.
If enough people are interested, I'll make a follow-up post in a week or so with the details on how exactly this will work. (This may seem a little early to be thinking about it, but I want to be sure there's enough time to get it organized.)