Challenge Response! Hope it's not too late

Nov 03, 2005 18:33

Fanfic Answer!
Title: Variation on a Theme
Genre: Humor/Parody
Rating: Pg-13
Words: 1309
Warnings: Self insertion, shonen-ai, OOCness
Summary: Phantomness got a bit tired of Syaoran committing suicide over Sakura, and she also noticed that in fics where Syaoran is with Yue, Sakura’s always dead and Syaoran gets the cards. Anyways. Parody fic… could be MST in a way I suppose, but it’s all in fun, really! And I’m sorry for taking such an angsty challenge and making fun of it. But I just couldn’t resist!
Pairing: Implied Yue x Syaoran

It was cold and wet and the mist sprayer wasn’t working well so Phantomness had gotten the bright idea to hook a sprinkler up to the ceiling to simulate the rain only the rain didn’t show up on the videotape so she’d switched to using milk like they did in ‘Singing in the Rain’ and now he was drenched in milk. The dirt beneath his feet had long ago turned to ankle-deep mud and he could almost see the dry-cleaning bill for Yue’s costume shoot through the roof. The moon guardian had not been pleased when he’d been forced to put clear Saran Wrap over his clothing but Syaoran pointed out that it did keep off the rain, somewhat, and that unless he wanted to look like a drenched cat it was all for the better.
“And… Action!” Phantomness said, hitting the start button on her video camera. Syaoran took a deep breath and knelt in front of the gravestone cheerfully bearing Sakura’s name, tears dripping from his eyes.
“Sakura… why did you have to leave? I could have helped you if you’d asked for it… you didn’t have to suffer alone… you didn’t even tell me you were going to die… I have to find out from Touya! Why…? Can’t you see I can’t live without you?”
Meanwhile, from behind a tree, Yue was watching… probably not a good thing to do in the rain since there could be lightning… and at that very moment, the tree was struck by lightning. Meanwhile, Syaoran had collapsed against the gravestone, having cried himself out.
“CUT!” Phantomness groaned. “Where’d that lightning come from?”
Syaoran got up and looked at the mud coating his jeans. “Can I change into something dryer?”
Kero-chan and a very sheepish looking Thunder card attempted to blend into the scenery. The fanfic author slapped a hand against her forehead. “All right, let’s try again… Syaoran, dressing room’s that way…”

Anyways. Syaoran collapsed against gravestone, Yue under tree not hit by lightning, dramatic pause for a moment or two before Yue came out looking impeccably groomed despite the rain and picked up the boy, er, young man now, and flew off. Syaoran’s apartment was conveniently only a few blocks away from the graveyard and Yue put him to bed.
“Cut.” Phantomness shook her head. “Yue, he’s drenched and you just stuck him under the covers? What if he catches a cold?”
“I can’t help it if the author doesn’t write that in, can I?” Yue looked at his script. “Whether I bring him home from being soaked in the rain or pull him out of a body of water after he’s thrown himself off a convenient bridge or cliff, they just have me put him to bed so we can make out after he wakes up or something. Terribly inconvenient, but I suppose whatever works.”
Phantomness nodded. “And wouldn’t Touya notice that Yukito was missing?”
“Hmm… well, sometimes Sakura dies because she overused her magic trying to separate Yukito and I, and at other times, I don’t care for my false form’s feelings in any case, which is why I’m not with Touya.”

Syaoran stuck his head out. “Can I get changed now?”
“I wonder how many pairs of clothes you’re going to go through in one fic.” Phantomness said. “Better have the Twin card make some more sets just in case…”
Syaoran changed out of his wet clothes into dry ones, and then lay back on the bed and pretended to be asleep while Phantomness started filming again.
Yue looked at the window outside and there were a few moments of Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon moving pieces of various colored paper across the window to simulate the movement of time.
Syaoran ‘woke up’ and noticed Yue in his room. “What are you doing here?”
“Since Touya gave you the Sakura Cards, it makes sense that the guardians should stay with you as well. You are our new Master now.” Yue said.
Syaoran nodded, not quite sure what was happening, but deciding to go along with it. Oh yes. His darling, beautiful, perfect Sakura was dead! Dead! He’d never love again, he’d wander the rest of his life in a daze until he died, and he’d never stop mourning her…
Hmm. The window was open and his apartment was on the fifth floor. Maybe if he just climbed out and jumped…
Yue grabbed his arm and kissed him before he could do anything else. Clothes went flying everywhere as the two dived under the covers and Phantomness left the video camera running while she went to take a coffee break.

About another few years later, the implications finally sank in.
“Oh no! I’ve betrayed Sakura!”
“Get over it! She’s dead! She’s been dead for six months before you came back.”
“I know, but still… I can’t just jump into bed with you because I’m attracted to your magic.”
Yue considered for a moment, and then shook his head. “I’m going to go ask Yukito for advice on my love life now. I’ll be back, leaving you time to monologue some more.”
“But how can you do that? I mean, well, you are Yukito.” Syaoran pointed out.
“Damned fic inconsistencies…” Yue sighed. “You’re right. I suppose I’ll somehow figure it out on my own. Shall I leave the room so you can monologue?”
“Yes please.”

Phantomness slapped her forehead again. “You could be less sarcastic about this, you know.” She pointed out. Syaoran and Yue both glared.
“Never mind. I’ll just tape quietly.” The authoress eeped as Yue left the room, leaving Syaoran to his monologue.

“I’m so confused. I don’t know if I love Yue or not. What if I’m only attracted to his magic like I was before? And I just betrayed Sakura in the worst way possible. I’m so sorry, Sakura… I don’t know what to do… I promised to love you forever, but now I’m so confused….”

Elsewhere, in another room…
“I don’t know if I love him or not, but I think I am attracted to him, although it could just be his magic - wait, that doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know how he got it into his head to change all the Sakura cards in one blast but that has to say something about his magic level, doesn’t it?”
“Yue, get in character before I smack you!” Phantomness yelled.
“Make me.”
Phantomness grabbed the quill pen she had behind her ear and started writing frantically. Yue’s eyes glazed over slightly and he resumed speaking.

“I’m so confused. I realize that Yukito is attracted to Touya and perhaps I am as well, but that does not excuse what I did with Clow’s descendant. I hope I did not fall prey to simple lust, yet there is undeniably something that draws me to him…. Is it the fierce love for life he has? I do not understand…”

“Don’t worry Yue-niisan! I’ll give you love advice!” A cheerful voice yelled. Yue paled and saw Ruby Moon appear in the room with no conceivable explanation.
“I give up.” Phantomness sighed. “I give up…. Write the fic yourselves.”

Syaoran immediately ran offstage like there was a rabid hound on his heels - actually, was that Cerberus in full armor chasing him? It looked like it.
“I’m telling you! We didn’t do anything! All the authors chicken out before they get to lemon! I know he kissed me but that doesn’t mean anything! I still love Sakura! Really! If she really died I’d mourn her forever or follow her!”
Cerberus did not seem to be listening.

Touya appeared and faced Yue with a glare. Yue crossed his arms and let the transformation take over, fading into Yukito.
“Sorry.” Yukito said, as he smiled at Touya. “How about if I make it up to you?”
And he did.

End Fic
Completed 11/3/05

yue, syaoran, syaoran/yue

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