(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 00:03

My first post. I've been lurking for awhile, but I just got re-inspired for CCS. And the Tomoyo/Touya pic made me finally want to write that Touya/Tomoyo bunny in my head..

By: (Yami) White Rain
Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura.
Notes: While the Tomoyo and Sakura pairing will always have my heart, since I’ve read the ship manifesto essay for Tomoyo and Touya I couldn’t help but want to try it…
Pairings: Syaoran/Sakura and hinted Tomoyo/Touya
Summary: sometimes the only thing harder then letting go is taking a chance…

“Is something wrong?”

Touya is about to say no, but he suddenly finds himself drawn to her. She’s looking at him gently as if she understands exactly what he’s feeling. Before he knows what he’s doing he’s spilling his secrets to her. He and Yukito were having problems, the loss of his magic was affecting him more then he realized and it was getting harder to watch Sakura grow up and not need him as much anymore.

She gives him a half smile and says, “I’ve learned that, as a general rule, people aren’t given more then they can handle. And I’ve seen that you can handle just about anything.”

It doesn’t help completely, but somehow it puts some thing into perspective.

“Tomoyo-chan! I’ve got something to show you!” Sakura says.

Tomoyo smiles at him once more before following Sakura.


She is reading at the table, waiting for Sakura to come back with the food. It’s a book he recognizes well, William Shakespeare: The Complete Works. His own copy is worn, he’s read it more times then he can count.

“Which one is your favorite?” He asks.

“Julius Caesar,” she says automatically. “It’s tragic and terrible. Mostly because it rings true in so many ways.”

They talk for a quarter of an hour before Sakura walks in, to large bags in her hands. “Ready?”

Tomoyo nods and bids Touya goodbye before following Sakura up the stars. Touya forgets to tell Sakura off for bringing food into her room.


Li and Sakura are holding hands while walking down a path in the park. He still can’t find it within himself to like the little brat.

“She really loves him.”

She sounds earnest, happy and wishful.

“They love each other.”

“You’re not bitter.”

Surprisingly, he finds that he’s not.


It’s snowing and cold. The wind bites his skin. He should be wearing a coat, at least.

“You weren’t happy.”

She’s there again.

“No. But it still hurts.”

He still isn’t sure why he can speak so easily to her.

“It’ll get better.” Her voice is sad and slightly helpless.

He grabs her hand and squeezes it. It felt good to be able to help someone again.


Syaoran and Sakura sitting next to each other and watching a movie. She is sitting on the chair and watching the fire in the hearth.

He walks over to her, “you’re reading Nihon Shoki at school, right?”

She looks up at him. “Not anymore. We finished it this term.” She pauses and looks at Sakura for a long moment. “Although, I’d like to talk about it more in-depth.”

He holds out her hand.

She takes it.

touya/tomoyo, syaoran/sakura

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