Dec 01, 2007 20:50
A gravitator is a subcategory of the classifcation of "claimer".
Whereas a Clamimer is a liar who goes around telling straight lies so rotten you can see his fuckin' teeth falling out, a Gravitator is someone who has no skills, no ambition, and really is in no way connected in a meaningful way with a certain group of people, cause, or style. They have not immersed themselves in the culture that they claim to be in. This is the distinctive difference between the Claimers and the Gravitators.
A Claimer will walk up to you and tell you he bought the hottest pair of Nike Dunks, and you'll never see that motherfucker with those things ever, no matter how many times he brings it up. He might talk about them, even have an elaborate story concerning the shoes, but the truth is, that asshole never even came close to those shits, and is a straight fuckin' liar.
In my life I have met many a Claimer.
A Gravitator will actually maybe have the dunks, and will show them off, but he really does this because of several reasons:
1.) He wants you to think he's got his game up. He thinks he's a real hip cat for owning this pair of hot kicks. You know what? He might have his game up, if he even knew what part of the game he was playing. He's trying for respect, but you know he's going to be wearing those shits in a club, or outside, and fuck up those nice shoes of his, the real truth is, he doesn't know jack shit about fucking sneakers, he just heard you talking about what you thought was cool, and he wants other people to think he knows whats up. A faker, a posuer. Imposter-jive-shit-$2 bitchslap waiting to happen.
2.) Attention. Yeah... those Dunks sure are hot, but you know... Nike just released a limited edition colorway with only 300 units available. Now what? You spent 150 hard earned dollars on those things, only to have your steez nullified in an instant by something hotter. It's how the game works my son, once again, don't try to impress me, because I don't give a fuck. Your sneakers are hot, his sneakers are hot. Just buy what you like dude, wear em when the time's right. Shit, I bought some Dunks 6 years ago and wore them to school once. NOW WHAT?! Those shits are all over the place in pop culture. The truth is, I always knew high tops were bomb just like all the other sneakerheads knew since the fuckin' sneaker was invented. I got there before you, different time, but now whats up>? Beat you to the punch, sure I by no means beat the rush, but at least I'm not a fuckin' whack shit gravitator. I OWNED that shit, before you even got the impression they were hot.*
*(this essentially means that; high tops in the general... well, fact is everyone wore high tops, that was like, the first sneaker pretty much. High Tops, had to be, looks like a gay cowboy boot, made of that new rubber stuff and canvas. Converse, Chucks, Nike's hightops, Adidas, I appologize if I'm not getting my facts right here, but what I'm saying is that the shoe itself is a common article made popular by the culture from which it was spawned, a human idea. An inatimate object. It now belongs to popular culture, which means it can become a trend among the populace of the planet Earth. Jeez, that was long winded. existence = humans = trends. Simple? I'm not saying that I started the fuckin' trend.)
What I'm getting at is not that you shouldn't buy this or that shoe, or even anything close. It was purely example. What I'm saying is that just because you're sitting around the corner and you hear about what's hot and what's not, don't go jumping into that. Shit's whack. That makes you a gravitator. Live your life how you wanna, don't just do something because you hear it's the hotness. Fuck the hotness, I'd rather be ice fucking cold than be a gravitator, and yes, we do all fall victim to the trends sometimes, advertising is a powerful tool, but the real shit is is that you should only really do it if you believe in it, or can in some way make the "trend" your own. I mean... I had a fuckin' Tamogachi. I believed in that.
For real.
Believe in yourself, your actions, your words. Choose that shit carefully.
Be wary of those who claim too much. Investigate that shit if you have to. Uproot Claimers where ever they may be. Tell the truth.
Be your fuckin' self. It doesn't matter, if people don't dig your style tell em you got a rod they can check.
After you attain these principals... you're golden. Uttmost belief in one's self. Don't fuck around on that. If you truly, utterly beleive in the trend, take it, but if you're doing something just to fit in, fuck you, man. Don't even try.
The whole point is don't be fake, and know in your heart that you're gold.**
**(Also, the counterpoint to this is that human beings are just sheep and that we don't really have free will, and are just pulled along by streams of new ideas generated from only a handful of people amongst them who lead.... The leaders, I guess it doesn't matter. It's just random occurences, Chaos Theory, I guess. Lol sorry, I just really thought this through here, because I'm trying to explain a conceptual theory here. I had to do some edits. Nothing changed from the original, just additions by asterix(sp??))