Dec 23, 2009 00:13
So a little rambling. It's Not a Holiday Tree. Nor is it a Christmas Tree. IT'S A MOTHER-FUCKING SATURNALIA TREE!
So there. It was the roman pagan's who originally brought the tree into their home's and adorned it with knick-knacks and do-dads in order to bring the spirit of nature into their homes. So screw you're Holiday/Christmas/What-Ever-The-Fuck-You-Call-It Tree. It a Saturnalia Tree! The idea was stolen from nature-loving pagans and now they will never get the credit they deserve cause everyone's all like, "It's not a Holiday Tree! It's a Christmas Tree!" Well I say screw you all (and coincidentally screw the rules) I HAVE A SATURNALIA TREE!
Love to all and a Merry Saturnalia!
-Fiona Out<3