Just a little update<3

Dec 13, 2009 15:45

Things have been pretty chill lately. Had a spat of depression a while back in which I was lamenting to john about how stupid and useless I was and how I keep fucking up my life with my stupid decisions and how I hated having to rely on him so much, and I shouldn't have dropped out of school, and such and such. That was a few weeks ago, and while I'm still not feeling totally up to par I am feeling much better. I finally started my new job, which granted, so far I've only worked one day, and I'll only be working about 2 weeks for this last burst of pre-christmas panic, It's still great hours and a good pay check. I'm finally getting my car put in my name so I now have a solid, although old and some-what scary mode of transportation. Thinking a lot more about careers and stuff, so I'm gonna shoot for a community college, work hard to bring my GPA back up, which is terribly low right now, and then try for a school I would actually like to go too. I would like to shoot for spring semester, but it's waaaay to late for that, so hopefully I'll be going back to school in fall. I'm looking at some community college's in boston, like Bunker Hill, as a starting point. If my grandmother puts me under her residence too I'll get major discounts on the school. Money also is a it of a problem now, and also the only thing my 'rent's argue about, which I guess is a good and bad thing now. My sis might actually be getting a job soon too which will be good for the money issue, cause she asks for money all the time and doesn't do shit around the house. Also really hoping to hang with friends a lot when they get home! Especially now that I get get myself from A-B so give me a buzz if you want to hang! I'm all for it! BTW we totally need a boston trip. Like I can't even remember the last time we had one of those!

<3<3<3<3<3 to all my great friends!!! Love you all!!! <3<3<3

Love you John! <3

-Fiona \(-^.^-)/
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