[Private to Halibel-sama]
I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think we both know I can't come back to Las Noches. So I guess I'm asking for permission to...stay in the living world. At least until things calm down some. With all the zanpakutou nonsense that's been going around, everybody seems all up in arms--even this nutsy Shinigami Mila Rose and I are living with seems kinda stressed out.
I've gained some manner of control over the spirit the Octava put in my head, and can even utilize some of its powers. Pelirrojita healed my broken horn, so my powers are back up to par; I feel it'd be safe for Mila Rose and me to strike out on our own here, instead of continuing to live in the basement of this Shinigami gift shop.
You know my loyalties will always lie with you, Halibel-sama, and if you need my arm in a fight all you gotta do is call for it, but right now I think returning to Las Noches is a suicide mission for me and Mila Rose. However the decision ultimately lies with you, our master. We await your response.