*insert witty subject title here*

May 04, 2004 22:51

What a morning today started out with...I woke up late, left the house late, froze the computer trying to burn a friend's CD (Stupid comp :( I'm still not over the floppy thing yet. Damn it.), forgot my lunch (Rebecca, I will love you forever for lending me money for lunch ^_^ You're a lifesaver) forgot my disk, forgot my own money, and forgot my book. Oi vey.

Ran all the way down the street, managed not to miss the bus (Thank kami.) and got to school without any other mishaps. All the computers in the school got a virus of some sort today...I hope it didn't wipe out any of the student files! (What IS it with me and technology? Disaster follows wherever I go! I swear, I walked by a computer, and it froze. Just from me walking by >_>

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them.
Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity..

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla


Geez, I should start calling this "Kokiri's Yu-Gi-Oh Livejournal", ne? It seems to make its way into every entry X_X Well, since DBZ is over, DBGT is running reruns, and I don't know enough about TF: Energon to write about that...

Anyway, back to the point. I was listening to "No Matter What", you know, the song for Yugi and Joey? (Yujou^^) Well, I'm trying to download an AMV set to this song, featuring Yugi and Yami's duel against each other. So I was thinking about that scene while listening to the song in the car, and I realized it IS the perfect song for that, especially if you've read the ending to Yu-Gi-Oh.

"...I could throw the whole match,
Let him win every play,
But with so much at stake,
I just can't walk away....

Though I need a vict'ry,
You've always meant the world to me,
And that's one thing that'll never change..."

I swear, I almost started crying at that part. *Sigh* You know you're obsessed when...

On a side note, I was doing math homework yesterday, and one question dealt with how much canvas and leather was needed for something, and when I saw 'Leather', I though "Ooh...leather. Yami Yugi...*drool*"

You know you're an otaku, aka you need help, when. I'm hopeless *grin*
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