Project: Super Sailor Moon feathered pearls, Sera Myu style!!!
Reference Picture Goodness:
Okay, this is a picture you've already seen, but this is for the benefit of others. The two largest size pearls I have in my mega huge box of beads can be seen here. I had to make the middle bead out of sculpey and string it on a wire. Gluing was proving an issue at the time. And I was sleepy, so not a whole lot of progress was actually made for my first step. I was rather embarrassed about that fact, so I didn't post it here. >.>;;;
Life. Has. Been. CRAZY!!!
And that's an understatement. Seriously.
Since then, the middle bead has been sanded smooth (and a bit rounder, too!) and a bit of hot glue solved the gluing problem. ^_^ I shaped some of the feathered parts a few nights ago and tonight I finally got around to sanding them down (life has been hectic). Behold the large amounts of sculpey dust that actually fell into the pan, rather than on my pants. ^///^
To do:
~ duplicating the feathers for the other pair
~ stringing some tiny pearls and gluing them around the feathers
~ gluing feathers to pearls
~ going varnish crazy for a smooth finish
~ making mold
~ pouring resin
~ additional shaping (if needed)
~ painting silver
~ attaching comb
(WHEW! That's a lot!)