Jan 04, 2008 04:21
[x] on the cheek.
[x] on the lips.
[x] on his/her hands.
[x] in my room.
[x] in his/her room.
[x] a little bit younger than me.
[ ] a little older than me.
[ ] with black hair.
[ ] with brown hair.
[ ] with blonde hair.
[x] with red hair.
[ ] with a tongue ring.
[x] shorter than me.
[ ] with a lip ring.
[x] who I truly loved.
[ ] who was drunk.
[ ] who was high.
[ ] in the morning.
[ ] right after waking up.
[ ] just before bed.
[x] late at night.
[ ] who I had just met.
[ ] who I really didn't want to kiss.
[x] we were just talking not dating.
[x] on a bed.
[x] at school.
[x] against a wall/fence.
[ ] in a hotel.
[ ] at the beach.
[ ] at a concert.
[ ] in a pool.
[x] who was a good friend.
[ ] in the rain/snow.
[x] on the stairs
[ ] in a car/taxi/bus.
[ ] in the movies.
[ ] in a bathroom/laundry room.
[ ] in the dark.
[ ] on a roof top.
[ ] under water.
[ ] while he/she was driving.
[ ] more than one person at once.
[ ] crying.
[ ] goodbye forever.
[ ] when I was drunk/buzzed.
[ ] upside down.
One person, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should've just asked to lose those memories when I had the chance.