yo, flist! 'sup?

Mar 19, 2007 12:17

hello my flist! how the hell are ya?

i got up at the ass-crack of dawn [1] to pick up eudaimon at the train station - she was here, then she left, now she's back - she's probably sacked out in my house right now. either that or using up my internet and watching dvd's.... but it's nice to have her back. and i was on time to meet her, too. my track record is getting better. :D

my boss is out of the office and i'm getting stuff done and thinking about derry belmont and the ot4 and i have an apple fritter because starbucks didn't have any peanutbutter cookies and i'm all HI HOW Y'ALL DOIN'.

so. how y'all doin'?

[1] ok, 6:30. which is technically not the ass-crack of dawn because it's NOT FOUR. which i am never doing again. but it was still dark out.

ot4, work, derry belmont, visitors

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