the weirdest fannish thing happened to me yesterday - a good thing, but entirely unexpected and thus weird - which resulted in me feeling a. terrifically flattered, and b. both exposed and invisible. and then i was so flustered i gave myself two papercuts off one envelope. >.< yes, i'm a dork. this should not be news.
crossroad blues is the spn rerun tonight. i love this episode. for one thing, you get dean speaking latin, and dean speaking latin is scorching. for another, you get deeply american music, folklore, and folk magic, and i lovelovelove every time they ground this show in backwoods america and point up all the ways it is a very specifically american show. it makes me happy.
and now, i meme.
Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
picking my favorite five stories that i've written is hard, and is not helped by the fact that i have a terrible memory for my own stuff, as is evidenced by the fact that while i was looking for fics so i could copy the links i found something i forgot i wrote last month. also i came up with six. these might not be my top six, because i don't know if i HAVE a top six, but they're all stories i still really like.
original fic:
nash, daniel, and megan's car (ot4) - because reading rps gives me carsex bunnies. and because it wrote itself and i really liked the visuals and i need to write nash and daniel talking about (and having) sex more often. and because i very clearly remember being up at ass o'clock on a weekday morning when i should have been ASLEEP, because i was writing this and wanted to finish it before i went to bed.
nash and daniel's first time (ot4) - which i can also apparently blame on rps. >.< at the time i didn't think this came out quite the way i wanted it to, but i'd had the idea in my head for ever and i'd already poked at it three times and needed to sew the pieces together. it still doesn't have a beginning and may never have a beginning - i know vaguely how they get there but not well enough to write it - and i'm ok with that.
faith and poetry (ot4) - i just happen to like writing in this particular style - i think the language is pretty - and the fact that daniel is a man of faith and religious belief (and i'm not) is something i like poking at. he honestly believes in god and the benefits of organized religion. and nash, who he loves beyond reason, honestly thinks it's stupid. and daniel honestly doesn't care.
the catalyst (simon and jay) - four parts, parts 2 and 3 are my favorites. i read this again and the ways i fucked up simon's story jump out at me, but even tho it can never be perfect i still think it's good. i made people care about a couple of fictional boys in california, and let's be honest, sometimes you really can't ask for more than that.
you're gonna carry that weight (spn) - ott, possibly ooc, a little purple, a little excessive, a little factually wrong (at least after everybody loves a clown), and i still love it to shiny little bits. this is where you learn what an idiosyncratic relationship i have with commas and sentence structure, and i can't say i'm remotely embarrassed at how incredibly overwrought my writing sometimes is.
the gun show (spn) - i looked at a buttload of pictures and gun web sites for this one, and i think the best comment i got was from someone who said she'd been to gun shows and i'd about nailed it. because, y'know, i've never been to one, and everything i know i learned from google. besides, i liked the image of a sixteen-year-old dean in a red and black checked wool coat and one of those fleece-lined hats with earflaps, handling all those firearms and chatting with dealers. and i worked in the dreamcatcher and i just really liked the density of detail when i was done. it's something i like to think i'm good at.