it's no fun if you can't mock :D

Mar 06, 2007 21:53

a. download downloaded. \o/

b. i'm watching the pussycat dolls reality show whateverthehell (please don't judge me), and the first girl who comes down with the stomach flu is down for the count. she's twenty but her makeup makes her look thirty. and that's without the stomach flu.

b2. aaaaand now these poor girls are puking on tv. >.<

b3. i'm really watching for sandy mccoy, who's jared's very cute girlfriend. seriously, she's adorable.

c. you're judging me, aren't you. nah, it's ok, I'D judge me.

d. apparently the next episode of the black donnellys, ie the one that follows on from this week's episode, isn't going to be shown on tv. but! you can watch it on the nbc web site. if you knew this already, feel free to laugh at me for being an oblivious fangirl. :D

e. y'know, if you're doing auditions for a singing/dancing/whatevertheyare group, and half the girls come down with the stomach flu so that you need doctors with iv's standing offstage for the final audition, shouldn't you maybe, i dunno, postpone it a couple days so the girls can recover? i mean, some of them were puking in the car. shee.

f. i have no idea how to tag this. i don't think i need a tag for the pussycat dolls, do you?


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