there are two firetrucks, both facing the wrong direction - i live on a one-way street - and one cop car in the street in front of my house. they all have their lights going. i have no idea what they're doing there - there were no loudspeaker announcements, there's no fire across the street, no cats stuck in trees, no one coming out of a house on a stretcher. (plus which, no ambulance.) it's this very quiet emergency. weeeeird.
in other news, i'm kind of glad i never watched the gilmore girls in the early years because man, i would've had the biggest pervy old lady crush on dean forester. and not just because he's played by a young and adorable jared padalecki. he's tall and cute and sweet and he has a leather coat. ^_^ i blame
now if you'll excuse me, i have to do the dishes, make dinner, and think of something i want for my birthday (besides a digital camera or jensen ackles in a towel) so i can tell my sister.