up: i think i'm leading writing group tonight so i have a writing prompt all prepared. go me. whether anyone actually likes it or not is a whole other thing....
down: i'm not getting mail for any of the yahoo mailing lists i'm on, which i realized last night. this includes the aforementioned writing group, which means i read possibly a week's worth of posts in one night, including the fact that we're meeting somewhere else tonight and oh yeah, now i have one of the stories we're supposed to discuss. ok, yahoo, what's up with that? i'm getting other email, it's not like my whole inbox is plugged up somewhere, it's just yahoogroups mail. is this happening to anyone else? far as i know i'm getting all my lj notifications and etc, but that's a different address and so doesn't count.
annalazarus? in case you're reading this, did you get my last email about wincon? because i no longer trust that any of my email is going where it's supposed to. *annoyedface*
i need chocolate.
also and unrelated, you know that meme where you post a line or a couple lines from all your fics-in-progress? i think i might be able to scrounge up first lines for, like, four stories, and one of them is all on a word doc at home so i couldn't do it now if i wanted to, because i can't remember most of it. because the thing is, it's just an idea until i write it down, and if i've written it down, it's gonna be on lj already. i do it all at once or it doesn't get done. (ok, except for the thing at home.) altho i do sometimes carry around a couple lines in my head while i'm waiting for the rest of it to show up. well, at the very least i can make a list of all the things i WANT to write, and see if anything shakes loose....
i still need chocolate. also, happy humpday.