slacking in three... two... one....

Aug 14, 2006 17:00

my roommate apparently started packing the kitchen over the weekend, so i now have a list of stuff to buy that's a little longer than just "tv, dining room table, chairs." as in, it now looks like this:

dining room table
kitchen towels
pot holders

i didn't realize all the pot holders are hers, but i think they are. i know the moose one is, at least. also, the pot holders that are mine are more decorative than useful, and that's because my mom bought them and occasionally she gets carried away by the pretty over the practical. they ARE pretty, tho. i think they're from costa rica.

anyway. i can't believe my list of household stuff to buy includes pot holders and kitchen towels. you'd think by now i'd have some of my own, you know? but at least i won't need to borrow a bigger car when i go shopping for them. the most exciting purchase is still going to be the dining room table, tho. kinda dreading moving my desk and comic book boxes and everything, because i have no idea what's back there besides dust bunnies the size of small cars. on the other hand, i get to have an actual dining room, and that's more than worth an oft-repeated "what the fuck is this and where do i put it?"

i'm not sure what's up with spn_transcripts now, as there appear to be a lot of transcripts on the super-canon site. (which i now notice is super-wiki instead....) so maybe i don't have to bust my butt and my eardrums to finish it by august 20.... considering i've done a whopping four minutes so far. >.< i really should finish it, tho. the world needs a decent transcript of phantom traveler. :D and before the start of season 2, too.

also? i kept expecting phantom traveler moments over the weekend. there was however no humming of metallica or hissing of "christo!" at unwary passengers. and sadly no one who looked like sam or dean on either flight (or in either airport, or anywhere in atlanta). i pout at the universe.

apartment, transcript, supernatural

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