Jul 24, 2006 22:14
took me about an hour to transcribe a little under four minutes of phantom traveler. i'm not sure if that's making good time or not. (how do you describe chaos on a plane that's about to crash, other than "everyone freaks the fuck out"? i'm not sure how much editorializing i can do.) i'm kind of worried i'm doing it wrong. >.< i mean, i'm pretty sure i have the format down, but how much... stuff should i be transcribing? it's gonna be terrifically long.
do y'all remember when i used to post actual writing here? like, fic? me either. but it's not for lack of things to write about. *sigh* damn fandom.
watched breakfast on pluto, not sure how i feel about it. it wasn't quite a fairy tale and wasn't quite political and really wasn't that realistic but seemed to want to be all of the above. i was hoping for more stephen rea, and my god, the seventies were a horrible era for fashion. yikes. on the other hand, cillian murphy makes a really convincing woman, and at least it has a happy ending, and the bird chorus is really cute. i'm glad i finally got to see it, anyway.
cillian murphy,