(no subject)

May 14, 2006 04:19

ask me why i'm still up. go on. ask me. not that i have an answer, but. there doesn't even seem to be anyone on im to talk to.

trigun is on and i occasionally want to kill my roommate's cat. said roommate is going home for three weeks or so in june and july - "home" being new zealand, and since it takes an entire day to get there and an entire day to get back, and since she has more vacation time than anyone should be allowed, when she goes she goes for weeks - and i have no doubt that in less than a week the cat will be on my short list of those first against the wall when the revolution comes. i think i used to be a cat person, maybe. possibly i just don't have the patience for things i can't make listen to me.

which, ok, includes some people....

my parents are in paris and i'm not jealous. i'm going to belfast in a week and a half, it's kind of silly to be jealous of someone else's vacation right now.

this staying up to all hours shit has got to stop. i don't care that tomorrow is sunday and i don't have to be anywhere until one. oh, today. today is sunday and i don't have to be anywhere until one. all i do is think when it's late and i'm the only person awake, and let's be honest here, i can do with a little less thinking. besides, all that happens is my brain goes in circles and i get a headache.

also? if it rains all month i am going to lose my shit, and not in the happyfunbouncy way that involves flailing in public about the size of jared padalecki's hands. i think that was an aberration anyway. it's even possible that going on vacation won't save me. god damn this weather, anyway.

navel gazing, sleep deprivation

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