supernatural - bugs

Mar 29, 2006 11:02

THERE'S A BIG HAIRY SPIDER IN THIS EPISODE AND SAM JUST PICKS IT UP AND CARRIES IT AROUND. O.O and then the scene with the realtor, in the shower? i wigged right the fuck out, let me tell you. (yes i know it's called bugs for a reason, shut up. i was really only expecting the bees. "crap, there's a bee in my ass!" *snork* )

but! everyone assuming the brothers are a couple? heee! it writes itself. :D and dean with the shower! and the towel on his head! you're such a GIRL, dean.

also, really interesting watching this one in conjunction with shadows, in terms of how the brothers remember growing up and what they think about their upbringing and dad and each other. and kinda neat that the straight son, the one who goes to college and plays intramural sports and joins the drama club, is the freak, and the one who wants to learn bowhunting and hustles pool and runs credit card scams for money and hunts ghosts is the normal one. what a cracked-out life, y'know? but it works.

also also, dean must really love the impala, because look at it. it's all shiny and well-kept. that's a happy car.


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