(no subject)

Feb 23, 2006 00:56

i went to the grocery store monday night for bread and milk and cereal and probably something else i've forgotten, and i went last night for eggs and pita bread, and i went tonight for deli turkey and pasta. i don't want to have to go tomorrow. they keep rearranging the place and i can't find anything any more.

after college i went to london for six months, and a few days after i came home i went to the store for my mom, and i got lost. i remembered how to get there - turn left out of the subdivision, go down the street, under the expressway, the store was on the left with a bank and a pizza place and the jewelry store where i used to take my watch to be fixed. i got lost in the grocery store. i couldn't remember where anything was. i was a little embarrassed. i'm vaguely annoyed that they keep moving things in the store now and i can't find the bagels or the eggs or anything.

i ran out of hot water before i finished my shower. last week i ran out of hot water doing the dishes. that's not right.

my roommate is in london until sunday and i can't wait for her to come home because the cat has been nothing but annoying.

i'm still pleased with my picfor1000 story, and i would be even if no one had read it. i'm pleased it didn't take me very long to write, and i'm pleased i finished before the deadline. i think it's a bigger story than i had words to tell, and it's not the ending i intended, but i wanted to write something self-contained and i did, and erin at least was very clear in my head and i think i wrote him as i saw him, and i can't always do that. so i'm pleased with it. i want to go to amsterdam now.

i had so much else to say - sometimes i think in the shower - but i don't remember a lot of it, and some of it i think shouldn't be public, because the conversations i have in my head are sometimes between me and an actual person, and the whole world doesn't need to read them.

should i go to writercon? will i need a vacation by july, and will i want to take it in atlanta? i lived in tennessee eleven years, and one reason i'll never live down there again is i hate the summer. but three days with other writers, maybe, and in an air conditioned hotel. i can see people i never see.... i don't know, maybe. i feel like i'm forcing myself to take my vacations this year - i've been planning to go to belfast in may and spain in october, and i'm not sure if i'm excited about either. don't get me wrong, i still want to see the giant's causeway and the sagrada familia - geology masquerading as myth and gaudi's melting concrete cathedral - i want to travel with people i like - but i'm not.... i'm trying to care. i had a whole year of 2006 vacation planned before the end of 2005 and now i wonder if i'm going away just because i said i would. maybe they're too far away, may and october. maybe i'll be more excited when they're closer.

this actually kind of upsets me, that i can't be excited about going away, unless it's to someplace i have no plans to see. i want to be excited about something, and if i can't get excited about seeing places i've never seen and people i hardly see now and might never see again, then what? maybe it's just been that kind of year so far.

the order is on, and while i like heath ledger and i like mark addy, shannyn sossamon has all the sexual chemistry of a damp sponge.

travel, navel gazing

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