Jan 13, 2006 11:09
1. Are you timely or always late?
i'm more likely to be late than on time, altho i'm getting better.... and by "late" i mean, like, five or ten minutes. unless i'm supposed to pick you up at the airport, in which case you might want to get out a book and make yourself comfortable.... *ahem*
2. Do you wear a watch?
3. What is the most important event you have been late for?
i was an hour late for an interview once because i got stuck on the subway. i've also missed my plane twice from getting to the airport too late, altho only once was it my fault. (the other time it was my DAD'S fault, because he drove me. my dad who always says to get to the airport two hours before your flight leaves. shee.)
4. What kind of system you have for keeping track of your bills?
i put them in a stack by my bedroom door so i have to see them all the time
5. What is your favorite time of day?
any time that's not "too early to be awake, dammit"
friday five