coming out of my cage and i've been doing just fine

Jan 14, 2005 10:06

heard mr brightside on the way to work this morning, and i could swear the dj said "the killers' mr brightside, for cindy." heh. and in my head daniel made an annoyed noise and rolled over and went back to sleep....

it started out with a kiss
how did it end up like this
it was only a kiss
it was only a kiss

...that's after i overslept. >.< weird architectural dreams that i remember next to nothing about. there might have been people in them, or not. it was horrifically windy this morning and i lay in bed and listened to the windows creak like someone was shaking the house, and wondered what i'd do if a tree came thru my window. (more likely it would go thru the living room window, since the big tree in front of the house is on the other side of the house. either thru the living room window or onto the front porch.)

and now it's something like 60 degrees out and raining, and it's supposed to drop 30 degrees during the course of the day. o.O *looks at raincoat* i might be cold.

going skiing this weekend - woo - with my sister and three of her friends. i've met one of them and have been assuming the other two are nice people, and it would be nice to go somewhere, but at the same time i feel like i've been wowsocial since the day after christmas, and even tho i had a fabulous time in london and met some lovely people and i loved having eudaimon here and hanging out with her and dietcokebreak, i kind of want to have a weekend where i don't have to be with people and don't have to do anything. altho i might have to work on sunday, which is a whole other ball of wax and a rant that will have to happen at another time.

today my hair is fluffy. and i want to write a nash/daniel wedding as kind of a dream sequence (poor daniel wakes up SO confused :D ) which makes me think i was channeling my inner buhfly on the way to work. altho all i could picture was nash in a kilt and daniel in a tux, so who knows. maybe for halloween one year they go as an old married couple....

(reminder to self: buy soap.)

tiredness, ot4, lyrics

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