i feel like i'm totally wasting my time off. i mean, today i came home from the grocery store and just... stayed here. i didn't want to stay in the house but i didn't want to go anywhere because it was gross out. i haven't even finished my holiday project for writing group (mostly because i don't know how to end it). if i didn't have the time off i'd be slacking the same amount but with no expectation that i should be doing anything else.
i did have chinese food for dinner tonight, that's something. yesterday i met
tamalinn and friend a and friend a's hubs for sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts for the non-jews in the audience :D ) and then we went back to tamalinn's house to eat them and play cards against humanity (friend a brought her tiny dog and we picked cards for her as well which was fun). and last night my sister had a hanukah party which was about half cousins (j&m and cousin p on mom's side) and half tennis friends. there was a lot of food - no one is surprised - and we did a yankee swap and i came home with a bag of taco chips, a jar of salsa, a very cute condiment bowl and knife - the knife says "i'm party trained" on it - and a mug warmer. a good haul. i can't eat a whole jar of salsa but i can hang on to it until someone has a party that i can bring chips and dip to. i made mint meringues and put blue food coloring in them and had to deal with my roommate standing right behind me - like, literally watching over my shoulder - until i told her "i'm going to elbow you and you have to move" and "i don't like people watching me over my shoulder". i wasn't even polite about it. (her explanation was that she's nosy - which i totally get! as i am also - but dude, come on, don't stand so close you're breathing over my shoulder while i'm trying to mix tiny chocolate chips into the egg whites and then drop cookies onto a cookie sheet. you are IN MY WAY and you NEED TO STAND ELSEWHERE.)
the meringues were good tho. a very pale blue so next time i might get gel food coloring instead of the liquid stuff. i think i want them to be BLUE.
friday i bestirred myself slightly later than planned and went into harvard square to find a particular kind of italian cracker for new year's - they're shaped like tortellini but aren't tortellini and my sister and i ate a lot of them when we were in italy - i did not find any but i did find a brand-new romance bookstore. brand-new like they opened last week. they had a little non romance section but otherwise it was a very pink store. romance novels aren't my thing but i was absolutely delighted that this place exists. they had like a lounge area in front with a couple of plush looking tufted couches and someday there will be a cafe attached. (the cashier told me the cafe has to prime the coffee grinders or something so they've just been grinding coffee and she got kind of a contact caffeine high from it. i said i bet it smelled really good.) seriously, the whole experience was so delightful. and they had record of a spaceborn few which i loaned my former landlady's granddaughter and which she never returned, so i have now replaced it.
thursday i had a breakfast sandwich at the diesel (which was not crowded until i left) and made progress on my holiday project go me. and in between all the days i watched a lot of star wars movies because they were on and i can't help myself.
and in the saddest news, rip jimmy carter. he was one of the good ones.