well i'm feeling all nostalgic now

Apr 20, 2023 22:53

the nice thing about working from home is i get a whole extra hour of sleep. the bad thing about working from home is i don't get a damn thing done. >.<

tom turcich spent seven years walking across the world and - shocker - came home a bit changed. he also picked up a dog and a significant other on the trip, as one does.

pflag turned fifty years old last month. it was founded by a mom from queens and "friends" was added to the name of the organization after another mom pointed out that calling it just "parents of lesbians and gays" would unintentionally out her daughter, who was still in the closet. (it was the 70s. a lot of folks were still in the closet.)

if you remember tower records feel free to indulge in some nostalgia. i used to occasionally browse at the giant tower in new york, and one summer i worked at one out on long island. (i was in the classical section, of all places. once we got a cd stuck in the shrinkwrap machine. the plastic case melted in funky ways but the cd was probably fine.) they also sold concert tickets and a couple times i came to work to find a line of people waiting for the ticket desk to open. sadly working there did not give you a license to jump the line. when i moved to boston there was a tower in harvard square and i think one way down newbury street, altho they've both been gone for a long time. the one in the square is a warby parker now but i don't know what's at the end of newbury any more.

How do I get in your atmosphere?
Tell me about your signs, look me planetarily
-those Venuses in your eyes?

There was no thought after you
and I wrote it down. Wandered
to the wailing with my back exposed.

My kind of Sunday, your knees
buffalo and kicking up plains.
We go sockless for beauty.

Ribbons unwind bring us to tied,
I’m at your symmetry, remembering
all your digits and your lucky number nine.

--Arisa White, "Curious and Counting"

ah nostalgia, lgbtq history, travel, april is poetry month, nerd support

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