i do love a three day weekend

Apr 17, 2023 23:57

had the day off today, actually did something! by which i mean i went to the coffee place down the street from my old apartment and had an egg and cheese on a bagel and a london fog and cranked out about 1000 words about space truckers and don't hate all of them, go me. and then i came home and had a turkey sandwich and watched a lot of russian doll and whoever recommended that, a++ pimping. i'm two episodes into s2 and have no idea how anything is going to resolve and i'm really enjoying that.

it's the tenth anniversary of the boston marathon bombing and as far as i know nothing unusual happened at the marathon and personally i think that's very exciting. the weather was wet and gross but that's probably better than sunny and hot, altho i don't run so who knows.

nasa is preparing people to live on mars by ensconcing four of them in a 3d-printed habitat in houston for a year. THE NEXT STEP IN THE QUEST TO PUT HUMANS ON MARS. how cool is that? SO COOL. well, maybe not the living in what's essentially a sealed hamster habitat for a year part, but the planning for humans on mars part, that's neat.

Rebuilt our little shotgun house
Daddy bought for $2000 on the G.I. Bill
Post-WWII in the 7th Ward.
Wide enough to love two families at a time, double,
Long & wide like a bulldog, stocky with a sturdy gait
Seemingly indestructible
With turn-of-the-century
Plaster & lath between walls held by red-brick fireplaces
Anchors for kin to hold on to
Steady, outlasting many storms
From Betsy to Camille, hurricanes that came &
Went like occasional visitors who
Overstay their welcome.
Here, we saved every book we ever had from
Old Bibles listing births, marriages, Deaths, to
Sherlock Holmes & Harvard Classics,
Two dictionaries American Heritage & Webster’s, plus
The American Peoples Encyclopedia,
That answered questions Daddy or Mother couldn’t from newspapers:
The States Item, but especially
The Louisiana Weekly
Where Negroes had starring roles as newly married or
Debuted, or swimmers medaled in photos with their
Part-time coaches, who were full-time teachers like
Vic Vavassaur, with their own kids too
Who spent summers, Saturdays & after-school time
Teaching us regulation sports from
Baseball, football, swimming to supervised play, where
We were all a team, & neighbors &
Grudges never lasted more than an hour or
No longer than a busted
Lip that’s gone when the swelling fades &
Heals like our sunburns &
Summers between thundershowers
We see coming blocks away
Our shot-gun castle
Our guardian of refuge from those
Jim Crow days in our 7th Ward Neighborhood
When we had all we needed for comfort, & summer fun of
Shaved ice or hucklebucks, &
Winters without cold &
No gunshots.

--Mona Lisa Saloy, "God Was Willing Sis: I’m Home"

boston marathon, outer space, april is poetry month, russian doll

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