today i worked from home and got NOTHING DONE. NOTHING, I SAY. well, i submitted some expenses, that was something. but mostly i was made of slack. and then i went for a walk - the upstairs neighbor was coming home as i was leaving so we both stopped for a chat and she told me she thinks her apartment is haunted - and got a bubble tea (taro milk tea, which made me think of hawaii) and sat outside for a little bit and then it was cold so i walked home. but fresh air! after all that sitting around the house doing NOTHING. the walk was nice. i got to go through some really pretty neighborhoods and saw a couple of very cute dogs.
the plan for tomorrow is to see some condos with my sister and then go shoe shopping. monday is patriots day, also marathon monday, and since i have the day off i may or may not do more shoe shopping. i mean, shoes.
this is so weird but also very creative - in 1998 there was a massive storm that knocked out power to chunks of eastern canada, and a town outside montreal borrowed two diesel-electric locomotives and
hooked one up to city hall as, basically, a giant electric generator.
a league of their own is thirty! (well, thirty-one, but what's a year between friends.)
here's the screenwriters talking about it. they sound like neat guys, and i mean that sincerely.
these are just some anthony bourdain quotes about travel.
I, heiress of red embers
the fiercest of which burn the uncareful hand
See my one great grandmother what
had the misfortune of disciplining her husband
who thought he could come upside her
head about something or other.
Without missing a beat, she, damn physics,
wield a cast iron pot against his head.
This same short, blunt arm would nurse
twelve children, the youngest only two years
before her own death. She willed nothing
but her blood. Stout bodied women
with heavy wants and hands, hearts overripe
and prone to leaking. Mama on my grandmother’s side
held a shotgun aimed to the head of any white man
come up the road. Papa would greet him with one of his own
just as unfriendly and kind under her sharp shooting eye.
I’ve never held a loaded gun, too afraid I might
turn it on myself. They had Jesus and a wood
burning stove. What do I know about protecting
--Bettina Judd, "Not My Ancestors"