i've had an earworm since SATURDAY

Jul 01, 2022 01:20

i have no idea what day it is so pretend it's yesterday. >.<

What I just finished reading:
mary jane, which was fine. it's beach reading. sometimes the main character acts fourteen and is treated like a fourteen-year-old (mostly by her mom) and sometimes she acts and is treated like she's older. the little girl she's nannying for seemed reasonably five, if five-year-olds never give their parents or caretakers any trouble. she's suspiciously well behaved and obedient for a kid whose parents probably never set any boundaries. and everyone in the household comes to love mary jane very quickly, which i thought was kind of contrived and happened not because it made logical sense but to point out how very differently mary jane's mom treats her, and to help her along towards popping the very buttoned-up bubble she was raised in. but it was very sweet and kind of low stakes as a coming of age novel, which i actually liked.

What I am reading now:
lies sleeping, by ben aaronovich, which is the next rivers of london book i haven't read yet. (i thought i'd already read it so when i went to the bookstore on saturday i bought the one after it, and when i started that one i realized i had no idea what was going on and had very definitely missed something.) i'm really enjoying it altho i don't think i remember enough of the overall story arc and the big case with martin chorley and lesley and the various faceless men. i'll figure it out and even if i don't i can still keep up with enough of the stuff particular to this one book to like it.

What I'm going to read next:
probably false value, which comes after lies sleeping, because why not. i mean, i already have it.

last weekend was cheesy movie weekend out here. saturday i did some editing on the bang and sat outside in the sun like a lizard and baked a blueberry pie and saw a late-night showing of streets of fire at the theater near me. (i don't know what kind of summer series the theater was running, but that was one of the movies.) i don't remember if i saw it in an actual theater back in the day or if i've only ever seen it on vhs or on tv and i didn't remember nearly as much of the story as i thought i would, but i knew all the songs. i used to have the soundtrack on cassette but i must have gotten rid of it when i moved because i can't find it. it's not a great movie - diane lane and michael pare have zero chemistry altho willem dafoe is in peak starey, psychotic form - the dialogue is cheesy and the story is overdramatic and the sound effects are laughable and the final fight involves pickaxes and the mix of dark drippy 1950s and shaggy early 1980s is a weird, weird look, and i'm sitting in the theater thinking "i completely understand why this didn't do well" (apparently the director planned for it to be the first of a trilogy, but you can guess they never made the next two movies) while my inner fourteen-year-old is utterly beside herself with squee. i mean, i loved this movie when i was in high school, and watching it as an adult was just an hour and a half of pure (if occasionally critical) nostalgia.

and bill paxton's in it! i have nothing good to say about diane lane's hair, tho.

sunday night my sister and i went to cousins j&m's house for dinner (taco bowls, yum, and i brought the pie) and point break which i'd never seen. better written and not as cheesy as streets of fire, but not as good of a soundtrack either. but it has babyface keanu, who's adorable. it's also completely ridiculous but i enjoyed it.

sunday day i met tamalinn and friends for tamalinn's bday brunch, which was fun and delicious as usual. we sat outside in the heat altho we had some shade and there was a dog at the table behind us so that was ok. and speaking of dogs, on tuesday when i was walking home from the t i met a cloud with feet masquerading as a dog, like a samoyed but smaller, who was FULL OF BARK. but she was totally down to sniff me. and then resume barking. >.< i put up with it because a. her owner had her on a very short leash and was very aware of her behavior, and b. she was SO FREAKIN' CUTE AND FLUFFY.

saturday when i was wandering around i saw this sign:

that's a mood right there.

two very boston dudes and a butterfly, a short twitter thread.

a woman flying from the us to canada was stopped by the tsa because her suitcase held an abundance of pancake mix. trader joe's ube mochi pancake mix, specifically. you can't get it in canada, so you embarrass yourself and give the tsa a giggle by putting it in your suitcase.

a very vintage looking burger king was discovered behind a wall in a mall in delaware. wtf.

it's raining anchovies. at least it is if you live in san francisco, where there is an absolute surplus of hairy little fish, so many that the birds can't carry them all. so they drop them. on sidewalks and driveways and unsuspecting people's heads. imagine you're minding your own business, waiting for the bus, and then... *plop*. and now your head smells like fish.

rolling stone ranks the best superhero movies of all time. the list includes the old guard (#45), tank girl (#36), and v for vendetta (#31), none of which i'd consider superhero movies, so i think the list is more "comic book movies" than it is "superhero movies", and those are two different things. also they ranked endgame #4 and catws only #18 so i have doubts about their judging criteria. (black panther is #1, btw, and the dark knight is #7 and into the spider-verse is #8, so whoever made that list isn't totally talking out their ass.)

wtf, doggie love, ah nostalgia, wednesday reading meme, pancake mix, scotus, fun with the fam, movies, fun with friends, weekend wrapup, i love where i live, fish

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