well we got some snow

Feb 26, 2022 02:17

...i'm not sure how much, tho. it snowed almost all day. it was fabulous. except for the fact that it's shark week in my house and i was unprepared, so i spent my lunch hour walking to cvs to resupply. there were a lot more sidewalks shoveled on my way home, so i didn't have to walk in the road. not that there were a lot of cars out, but you know.

this was my car at 8:15 this morning:

and at 2:30:

and this was the street at 8:15 this morning:

you'll note the couple is walking in the road with their dog. someone across the street from me was already shoveling their driveway, and a car parked in front of the house next door had already been cleared off and moved (and in the spot was a traditional bostonian parking space placeholder - a folding chair), but no one was dealing with the sidewalk yet.

after work i spent about an hour digging out my car with help from my roommate. our landlady has what's essentially a giant squeegee for pushing the snow off the hood, the windshield, and the top of your car. it's rubber so it won't scratch the paint, and it's much easier than using a brush or (if you're me) your arm. and now my car is free! altho i don't plan to drive it until sunday.

i had actual work to do at work (meetings, mostly, and some email) and tried to read up on ukraine around it. (i got stuck on the bbc live feed.) it's awful and scary - and then i read something that's basically "this sucks out loud but don't despair yet and this is why" and i feel a little better - and i'd like history to stop happening for like ten minutes, thanks. thirteen ukrainian troops on an island refused to surrender to a russian warship by responding with "russian warship, go fuck yourself" (and then of course they were all killed), which just made me think of the reply of the zaporozhian cossacks (who were ukrainian) - "we have no fear of your army; by land and by sea we will battle with thee. fuck thy mother." - you can watch peter capaldi read it with great relish and think of contemporary ukrainians giving russia the finger.

if you want to watch a thousand years of changing european borders, which if nothing else kind of gives the lie to putin's insistence that ukraine has always been part of russia - i mean, russia at one time was part of the mongols' golden horde - have i got the video for you. all those tiny municipalities in what's now italy and germany make my eyes cross, and i did not know that part of england used to belong to denmark, and wow, georgia was its own independent thing for a long time.

and while you're on youtube, you can also watch some folks at a retirement home in the uk curling in the hallway. heh. the little old lady with the flag is adorable.

snow, maps, ukraine, curling, historical hee

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