Aug 13, 2021 01:46

so i ordered a new bed, right? it came tuesday, i managed to wrestle it up the stairs (by which i mean i pushed the box), i got it mostly put together with a little help from farwing. and then she noticed that it didn't look high enough from the floor. so i put one of my comic book boxes in the middle - it was just the frame - and guess what, the bed wasn't high enough to push a box underneath. so we measured - it has 10.5" clearance, rather than the 11.8" it said on the web site. which is the whole reason i bought it. (that and the other bed i wanted was sold out by the time i finally decided to get one.) bitching and swearing ensued. did i want to take it apart, pack it up, and send it back? i did not. did that look like the best option? it did. i was hot, sweaty, pissed off, and hungry, so i took a break to eat dinner and chat with wrenlet, by which i mean i was complaining, and she said "what about those bed riser thingies?"

you could hear my brain record-scratch.

i told her she was brilliant. you can get them at target or bed bath & beyond, so yesterday i went to bb&b during my lunch break and then target after work, and no luck. the bed risers they have are heavy-duty black plastic, too tall, and ugly. i eventually found some on amazon that looked like they would actually kind of match the bed and not be too obvious, except a. they won't be delivered for at least a week and a half, and b. i could only order one four-pack. and my bed has six legs. because once one thing goes wrong - and let's be honest, buying a bed that isn't the size the web site says it is, when you're buying it because of the size it is, is a pretty big thing to go wrong - why stop there? i ordered the one four-pack and will just have to wait to see if the risers even work. and if they don't, i have no idea. i mean, i can't go back in time three weeks and order the other bed.

i did finish putting the bed together so i have somewhere to sleep (tuesday i slept on the couch), but i can't finish unpacking my room like i want to, because so little shit fits in my closet and i don't have the storage space that was promised me by the bed having more clearance than 10.5".

in other news, it's ridiculously hot and farwing already left for the weekend, which makes it feel like friday. sadly it is not friday.

if you've been following olympics news you might have seen this already, but i still have to share - one of the jamaican runners accidentally went to the wrong venue and only made it to the track in time for his race thanks to an olympics volunteer who gave him money for a cab. he got the gold. and then he found the volunteer and paid her back.

not current existing olympics news, but neat - the youngest olympics medalist ever is possibly a coxswain who helped the dutch rowers win gold in 1900. except no one knows who he is, where he was from, or even how old he was.

the chowchilla bus kidnapping - in which a bus full of kids is stolen by three dumbasses in buttfuck nowhere, california. it's a long article but utterly fascinating, partly for the way that kind of thing still echoes in the town decades later.

woman finds abandoned cellar full of very old jars of food under the apartment behind her store. mysterious! and kind of creepy.

in 1940 a guy in a town out in western mass was shot to death. the murder was never solved. (also apparently a lot of people were unhappy with him for one reason or other.) in the late 90s a local cop became determined to figure out whodunit. he's still at it.

have i mentioned how much i love spite houses? boston's got one. it's ten feet wide. it's also for sale.

wtf, we're havin' a heat wave, olympics, furniture, creeptastic, architectural nifty

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