so i have no idea what day it is but i finished a cross stitch

Apr 02, 2021 23:21

farwing and i saw an apartment earlier this week, i think wednesday, and i seriously thought it was last weekend. >.< what even is time? (it was too small and really too far from a bus stop. so we're still looking.)

i finally finished my parents' anniversary cross stitch! it only took me a year.

also someone at the taco place across the bridge from me has a sense of humor.

heh. i guess technically there isn't a cure for the 'rona, altho fortunately it's not a death sentence, and we now have... vaccines! you all better be planning to be vaccinated, if you haven't been already.

virtual church is no reason to stop dressing up, by which i mean this older lady has continued to dress to the nines - complete with fabulous hat - every sunday.

the zodiac synagogue of hammat tiberias - it's an ancient roman ruin in israel, notable because you don't generally see zodiacs, which are, you know, kind of pagan, in jewish houses of worship.

this one spins,
they all glitter
like a crush’s toothy smile.

beauty supply of Black power peace sign afro picks
& a crayola big box of durags to choose from.

beauty supply shelves with sleeves
of weaves glimmering in the harsh light.

every manner of oil & grease
& spritz & spray for the coaxing
of curl under comb

who can think of a rat tail without a tear
for the nostalgia or the tenderheaded memory?

a rubber band of any conceivable size.
a barette of two balls clacking hard with every neck roll.
all the ribbons & bows.

the eyebrow lady wielding two ends
of a thread like the sculptor’s most precious tool.

all the tools for the trade of looking
& you, little boy, get such a precious few.

--"iced out chain from the beauty supply by Halsted Indoor Mall", Nate Marshall

fashion, covid-19, april is poetry month, apartment hunting, architectural nifty, little old ladies are the best, jewstuff, cross stitch

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