challenge #8 - create a wishlist!
1 cute cross stitch patterns for a. the mcu, b. star wars, c. curling, and d. produce. because who doesn't want a tiny cross stitch beet in their kitchen? or a pineapple? also if anyone has a line on patterns for joe and nicky's swords and andy's axe from the old guard that can be made into bookmarks, that would be fab. not sure what i'd use to represent nile or booker, tho....
2 a good recipe for a cheesy cheese scone (ideally just cheese, not ham and cheese or scallion and cheese, altho i wouldn't say no to either).
3 art or podfic or, i dunno, a moodboard or playlist for any of my fics. a companion fanwork. :D i'm verrrry slow about moving stuff to ao3, so the full list of fics is
here on dw. i do have a transformative works policy, and it's basically "knock yourself out, have fun, let me know what you've done so i can admire it".
4 help figuring out the actual story for my bigbang. i have a scenario but no plot, no conflict, nothing. it's cwrps, jared/jensen variant, contemporary au, and if that sounds like your thing and you're happy to throw ideas at me until something sticks, let me know.
5 and taking a page from
tielan's book, because it's a good idea, a charity or organization to donate to. so i'll donate us$20 (or the equivalent in your home currency) to a charity of choice for the first five folks who respond. if for whatever reason said charity doesn't accept us$, is it ok if i find an equivalent closer to home?