i had fannish conversation last night! it was so much fun!

Jan 05, 2020 13:21

on my way to the coffeeshop today i passed a car with a sticker on the side that said "i'd wrap that in bacon". made much more sense to me than last week's "keep calm and chive on". i mean, bacon.

things i forgot to mention in my year-end wrap-up post:

nasa's first all-female spacewalk! which you could (and i did) WATCH LIVE! i love living in the future.
the world's first photo of a black hole! see: living in the future. :D
i went to hawaii with my sister! how did i forget HAWAII? i got really tan and ate poi bread because it was purple and ziplined which was really fun and also really scary and bought a lot of things with pineapples on them.

for new year's eve i went to my sister's where we made cheese fondue (delicious) and meat fondue (slightly less successful) and watched lotr. the extended versions. which took until the middle of new year's day. it was very chill and an enjoyable way to see in the new year. also i made her watch fireworks on tv. :D

work has kicked back into gear because people are back from vacation. it's not DEATHLY QUIET any more. woot. they did phone interviews for my job this past week - have i mentioned that already? - and in-person interviews are upcoming. i don't know when mine is.

last night i went to a post-holiday holiday party with a yankee swap/white elephant. some people bought stuff, some people regifted. i regifted but the person who picked my thing kept it, so go me. i ended up with a tide pen (SO USEFUL) and dryer balls shaped like... hedgehogs. by the end of the night we were talking about the rise of skywalker (so i got to share that no one ships finn/poe like oscar isaac ships finn/poe, because it's so true) and what was disappointing about it, and before that i got into a conversation with a couple people about the magicians, spn, and leverage (and other stuff, but those were the high points). one of the guys there is still watching spn, and the other girl we were talking to peaced out about when i did, so he caught us up on some things and went on about the really good stuff in current and recent seasons. i'm not sorry i stopped watching, and there's zero chance i'm going to catch up before the series finale, but i kind of want to watch the series finale. it was a big part of my life for long enough that i want to know how it ends. i just need someone to fill me in on the important shit i missed, so i'm not completely confused.

(i am however a little worried that i'll be really disappointed in the finale if i watch it, and part of me would rather go on thinking it was a good and fitting ending, rather than see it for myself and be proven wrong.)

it was so much fun to talk about tv with people who watch the same shows, tho. that never happens! usually in social gatherings where people talk about tv, they've all seen shows i haven't, and i can't be part of the conversation. but this time i could! i could share my opinions! most of which finished with "i have strong opinions and they're not nice ones...." i mean, i haven't watched spn in seven years but i still hold some very strong opinions about it. but some of the spn stuff sounded kind of neat. i mean, the darkness is god's sister? i can get into that. (and not just because i imagined her looking like cate blanchett in ragnarok, either.) and i helped pimp leverage, that's always fun. and the guy who's still watching spn pimped something called impulse, which i think is on youtube? it sounded interesting.

there was also a lot of food - i made chocolate chip cookies to use up three of the egg yolks in my freezer - and small dogs and the host and hostess's cat came out and was social! and let people pet him! and was not an asshole! usually he's a dick. maybe he's mellowing out in his older age.

the happy glow i got from talking tv (and star wars, but mostly tv) at the holiday party made me actually sign up for
snowflake_challenge this year, not because i'm so involved in fandom but because i miss it. all this means is i was posting my intro post at three in the am when i should have been in bed.

there was a new vikings on new year's day, which i thought was a weird day for new episodes. i watched it yesterday and mostly... i don't care. i'm kind of curious what happens with bjorn, and i'm interested in lagertha's storyline, but i'm very meh about ivar and hvitserk was never a big enough character for me to care much about. i'm not sorry it's the last season.

enjoyed doctor who, tho. i made it home on time to watch the new year's premiere. i like thirteen a lot, and i like her companions a lot, altho the end of the episode made me go "huh?" because i missed so much of eleven and twelve.

the second half of the curling season starts today! and i am no longer vice! which was my choice altho now i kind of wish i hadn't done that. but i think i need to work on basic stuff like, you know, delivery, and if i'm second and screw up, there are still two people to get us back on track. if i screw up as vice it's just the skip who can make it better. i'm curling with all new people this time. fingers crossed it's a good team.

vikings, bacon, star wars, dr who, hawaii, snowflake challenge, new year's, now i'm a library admin, fun with my sister, fansquee, outer space, fun with friends, curling, supernatural

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