the first trailer for the last avengers movie is finally out and i am not emotionally prepared for the actual movie. when it dropped i couldn't watch it with sound because i was at work, but i don't think it made a difference. i still wished there was at least one other fangirl at work i could squee and flail with. i don't have anything deep or thoughtful to say, other than i'm glad i have four months to get ready.
my tumblr download saga ended last night when the backup finally finished processing and i could download what turned out to be a 40gb zip drive that unzipped to reveal upwards of 15k html pages (all my posts) and almost 50k pics/gifs/mp4s (all the stuff). it didn't download any of the embedded youtube videos, so none of the vids i reblogged made it to backup. is there a way to save a video off youtube?
my brain went on vacation yesterday and i've been totally unable to focus for two days. >.< and i'm convinced i forgot to do something at work before i left. i probably forgot to tell someone something. eh, nothing i can do about it now. i'm otherwise prepared to go on vacation - i'm packed, i'll water my plants tomorrow, i have a zucchini bread in the fridge for
wrenlet because she's putting me up and putting up with me, i know when i have to leave the house tomorrow, etc etc. i'm apparently bringing the snow, which probably sucks for the locals but is kind of fun for me.
the good place was so good last night! d'arcy carden is fucking amazing.
my guess is that it's not that the bad place is fucking with the points system or whatever, it's that the whole system in general is just rigged against people getting into the good place. but i could be wrong.
make better choices - advice from scientists to monk seals in hawaii, which keep getting eels stuck up their noses. wtf, seals.