first, my laptop works again! i took it back to the apple store yesterday and a different genius looked at it, got it to display a whole lot of code, saw the "too many corpses being created" error message (yes, really, that's what it said - coders having some fun), figured out the problem, and fixed it. OH MY GOD I AM SO RELIEVED. i need to back up more often.
also, and just as exciting,
i validated with 50,511 words tonight before writing group. the story isn't done but i stopped thinking, so that's where i stopped and i'm ok with it. i'd like to say i'm going to plan next year's a little more in advance, but i haven't done that in fifteen years, so i don't know why next year will be any different. but a girl can dream. :D and anyway i finished, and that's what matters.
this happened a couple days ago, but the us
sent a lander to mars, and it landed successfully. and
sent back a couple pictures. this is the eighth lander to, er, land, but this stuff will never get old. i mean, we're sending things to other planets to probe them and run experiments and learn shit, and that's really cool.
what the fuck and i mean that sincerely. (subdivisions of cookie-cutter chateaus. seriously. proof that where there is money, there is not always taste.)
real english villages that sound like fictional places in trashy novels. i gigglesnorted more than once.