suit up. it might get weird.

Jul 16, 2018 02:12

my sister and i saw incredibles 2 last night, and it was fun and adorable and had a lot going on, and i love the mid-sixties look of everything. so mod! and superheroic! one of the great things about pixar movies is that they're mostly made for kids but with an eye towards the adults who are going to be taking those kids, so everyone can enjoy them. also there's a spit-take that cracked up the entire audience. the animated short we got beforehand was called bao and it made me hungry. >.< it was super cute but also kind of sad.

one of the previews was for a movie about a yeti, which looked fun, but otherwise they were all for movies i don't really want to see. no mission impossible preview this time, at least. :D

before that i went to artbeat for a while and got more paper houses, some tea, and earrings. i did not get but did admire some very cute mugs with hedgehogs painted on them, from this artist. if i had enough money that i could spend it without worrying about how much i was spending, i'd buy so much damn art and pottery at artbeat. support your local artists and acquire cool shit for your house! clearly i need to be playing the lottery more.

there were a lot of dogs and i saw one of the tax associates from work! who i would not have recognized at all if he hadn't seen me first and called my name. he was out of context! but it was kind of fun.

and before that i got a haircut. FINALLY. it is now shorter and fluffier and i am soooo much happier.

friday i left work a little early because i could. :D i used the time to sit outside and soak up some sun, also because i could.

if you need cheering up, just imagine someone carving this hedge on wheels in 1500 bce, in what would become iran. (now it's in the louvre.)

this is really cool: what america ate, specifically what americans ate during the depression. it was a government program that sent people around the country to record what folks were eating, and the site has recipes and essays and community cookbooks. if you're interested in historical food i highly recommend it. but for recipes that say "bake in a hot oven" or "in a moderate oven", how hot is that, exactly?

artbeat, movies, historical food, hair, hedgies

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