cool clothes and inconsiderate auditors

May 11, 2018 02:03

two met gala folks i forgot to mention - lily collins as a goth nun, and donald glover with his starburst jacket.

i submitted the beginning of my bigbang to my writing group for critique - i had to submit something and that was all i had - and two people commented that they didn't know what anyone looked like, and i should consider some physical description of the characters. i allowed as how that wasn't necessary because everyone reading is going to know what everyone looks like. one of the benefits of writing fanfic. :D

today's work dumbassery was having to print thirty copies each of seventy-two documents, which job the receptionist got without warning at noon. which might have been ok except we had two big events today, and neither she nor the mail room guy who usually does these things had time to start printing until late. we had both color printers running and stacks of paper all over the tax processing room. just a suggestion to anyone out there who's in a position to assign printing of training materials the day before the training: when you have seventy-two separate files, and you need thirty copies of each, maybe consider giving people some advance warning. especially when one of those files is almost a hundred pages. (we didn't print that one.) and? to make the entire exercise even more pointless? everyone who registered for the training got all this stuff emailed to them anyway. someone needs to make a donation to the arbor society or something.

does anyone else watch archer? it's full of awful people and it's really fucking funny. so far this episode (it's a rerun) there's been a dr who reference and a lotr reference and two scooby doo references. i think the earlier seasons are supposed to be a spoof of james bond type spy shows, but i'm not sure about the current season. it's nuts. i recommend it.

fashion, archer, fanfic, writing group, new job second floor, people are dumb

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