maybe i won't wait a week to post next time

Nov 30, 2017 00:53

vikings is back! it's still weird to be watching it without ragnar.

hi lj. it's been a week, hasn't it. i had thanksgiving and saw cousins and went rock climbing (fun and exhausting and i climbed all the way up three different (and easy, ok) paths/trails/whatever they're called) and g-karting (also exhausting and fun and my cousin's kids lapped me like a million times) and ate sushi and there was traffic going down to ct and coming home! i like my cousin's wife but at times it felt like it was her and her cousin's weekend and we were just kind of tagging along. overall it was a good time, altho if i never have to have another discussion with my cousin's father-in-law it will be too soon. (he's the kind of guy who has a conversation by asking you a lot of questions but not caring about the answers, and he argues like someone who's playing devil's advocate as an intellectual exercise. there's no malice in it but it's a frustrating and fruitless way to talk to someone.) food was good, tho, and we had a mini fridge in the room so we could take the leftovers from t-day. i may or may not have eaten my leftover turkey and stuffing at a ridiculous hour thursday night.

saturday morning we drove home and saturday night we went out for my birthday (again :D ), this time with a cousin from the other side of the family and we went to a brazilian steakhouse and stuffed our faces with meat. sunday morning was brunch with more cousins from that side of the family, then justice league (which i liked! but did not love. but enjoyed a lot), then curling, where... we lost. >.< but we came back from being behind by a lot to tie in the second to last end, so it was actually a good game.

i've seen the infinity war trailer and did squee, altho i think it's going to be a very busy movie and there isn't going to be nearly enough beardy steve. my sister texted me this morning to say she'd seen the trailer and was excited for the movie, and i texted back that i didn't even know the trailer was out. i love that i heard it from her first. :D

dancing traffic light!

40% of detroit is without internet, so a bunch of enterprising detroiters are wiring people up.

i love spite houses - they're so petty - but i never heard of a spite fence. both sides of this fight come across as petty and spiteful, tho.

vikings, architectural wtf, thanksgiving, triumph over technology, fun with the fam, infinity war, fun stuff, weekend wrapup

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