starts with space!

Sep 16, 2017 02:28

first fall busy season successfully survived. my brain is tired. i made some overtime, tho. :D i feel like it's been a week, but mostly it's been a week of staying late at work. wednesday was the worst, and today was a lot of "hurry up, wait", and "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING" and we had pizza for lunch.

also today the cassini spacecraft came to the end of its cruise around saturn, after almost twenty years of exploration and data collection and some fabulous photos. yesterday was the anniversary of giovanni cassini's death, and today the spacecraft named after him took a swan dive into saturn. (it did that so as not to potentially crash into one of saturn's moons and potentially contaminate it when it could potentially support life.) its mission was only supposed to be four years but it was so tough and the science it discovered was so fantastic that it stayed out for almost twenty years.

have some vintage style nasa posters in honor of voyager. speaking of spacecraft.

in other science news, the natural history museum and the science museum in london had a super cute fight on twitter and it was fabulous. who would win in a staff battle? anyone reading twitter. :D

i know this is old news, but my parents survived hurricane irma (they spent the night with friends who had hurricane shutters on their house) and so did the house and apparently the whole subdivision. the power came back on after about a day. jacksonville however is probably still half underwater and the keys were mostly destroyed. hemingway's house and the descendants of his polydactyl cats on key west are all fine, tho.

the bahamas, not so much.

there's a nun with a chainsaw down in miami cutting down fallen branches and generally being helpful and kind of badass. roosters were evacuated from key west wrapped in paper like rooster burritos so they wouldn't attack each other. roosterritos?

a southwest flight saved a bunch of shelter dogs and cats after hurricane harvey. i wonder if anyone did that after irma. because you know a lot of pets were separated from their people, and animal shelters in evacuation zones would have to be evacuated too.

so many free stock photos.

did anyone else read strangers in paradise? there's going to be a movie and i'm not sure how i feel about it. on the one hand, i really loved sip. and one of the leads is queer, and one of the objects of her affection is a (totally adorable) japanese american guy. on the other, the story turned into a convoluted mess. and i don't remember it being a "comedy of errors" or about katchoo having to choose between david and francine as her two suitors as the article says. i'm curious about it, anyway.

twitter, doggie love, new job second floor, outer space, badass women, cute shit, burritos, hurricane harvey, strangers in paradise, hurricane irma

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