why do i even bother going to work on summer fridays?

Jul 07, 2017 22:58

one of my favorite tax associates left today! she's moving back to new hampshire to be near mountains and work with folks who are into land conservation. (i'm guessing doing their taxes.) at least i got to say goodbye to her, which is more than i can say for the last tax associate i like who left. he just vanished overnight. we've lost way more tax associates than we've acquired (unless you count the interns, which i don't). i don't know if i should be alarmed or not.

today was one of those days where i spent several hours wondering why i was there, and wondering if anyone was going to ding me for being online (probably) when i clearly had sweet fuck-all to do. i need a job that isn't so dead all summer.

i left early because a comcast tech came out to look at my tv, so i'd know for sure if the lack of picture was a cable problem or a tv problem (because i've had cable problems! and you never know), and he seemed kind of confused as to why i might think it was a cable problem, when it was clearly a tv problem. i did tell him i've had issues with my cable in the past, and i wanted to be sure, because i don't want to have to buy a new tv if i don't have to. i probably should've felt bad for making him come out at six on a friday night, for like five minutes, but the way he told me it was definitely a tv problem sounded like he thought i was stupid. which i'm not. but this means i have to buy a tv on sunday. sigh. fortunately there's not a lot i need to watch, so i'm all caught up. but still. ugh. any recommendations for smart tvs, up to 40"? i don't need a million bells and whistles, i just want the option to get netflix if necessary.

last night i passed an au bon pain on my way home just as a guy in a tux was walking out of it. he had a fruit cup, which he handed to a woman in a wedding dress. i figured them for a wedding couple taking a break from getting their pictures taken to have a snack. it was weirdly cute to watch the groom walk out of a chain bakery and give the bride a fruit cup.

woman does boudoir shoot for boyfriend. in a t-rex costume.

what even is this. i can't explain it but it's interesting, kind of touching, and deeply weird. check it out.

what even is this, new job second floor, beaten by the technology, cuteness, dinosaurs

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