i totally forgot about a bunch of these

Apr 22, 2017 01:14

at work we've all been divided up into what are called practice groups, which are basically so you can socialize with people who aren't in your service line. today one of the guys in my practice group had show and tell during lunch, with pizza. seventeen people rsvp'ed and only three showed up - the guy who organized it, me, and one of the tax interns. so i got to hear about and see some pics of the guy's show bulldog (who is SO CUTE) - he and his wife just take her to local dogs shows, but she's also done some dog modeling - and i brought a couple of books i've made and got to talk about that. unfortunately i don't have any of the really nice books, because i don't make them for myself. it was fun but there was a lot of leftover pizza.

i've saved as many of other people's fics as i could find from my memories, just in case everyone decides to delete their ljs, and of course there are a bunch missing - the post has been flocked or marked private, the post is gone altogether, the author deleted their lj already - some of them are on ao3 and some of them aren't, and here let me thank the folks who did upload to ao3, but of all the ones that are missing, there are only two i actively miss - silverkit's stick shifts and safety belts (in which the impala is turned into an actual human woman and dean is smitten, and they have sex and sam is disturbed, and she says to jo "i remember you! you had very clean shoes"), and on a steel horse, by trollprincess (post-s1, in which sam and dean haunt the impala and thus john). if anyone has any idea where i might find either of those, i will bestow blessings upon you, your house, and your cow. :D

in the process of doing that i remembered that someone wrote a kindergarten au for the 2010 winter olympics, in which kristi yamaguchi is a kindergarten teacher and a passel of 2010 olympians are the kids, and i eventually found it - it is SO CUTE - ignore the fact that it's for a kinkmeme, because seriously, it's about five-year-olds - and saved it, and then i figured i may as well go through my fic recs tag just in case, and found some more! and that was fun. it's a weird kind of nostalgia to reread fics you liked enough to rec (or save to memories) nine or eleven years ago.

oh, there are two more i miss - a sam/dean by traveller that i don't remember the title of, except it ends "the brothers spit blood and smile", and losing the handle, by (i think) pennyplainknits, which i didn't bookmark but it was a bigbang so i should be able to find it, assuming it's still on lj. it's a curling au. :D

another one from poets.org!

A woman walks by the bench I’m sitting on
with her dog that looks part Lab, part Buick,
stops and asks if I would like to dance.
I smile, tell her of course I do. We decide
on a waltz that she begins to hum.

We spin and sway across the street in between
parked cars and I can tell she realizes
she chose a man who understands the rhythm
of sand, the boundaries of thought. We glide
and Fred and Ginger might come to mind or
a breeze filled with the scent of flowers of your choice.
Coffee stops flowing as a waitress stares out the window
of a diner while I lead my partner back across the street.

When we come to the end of our dance,
we compliment each other and to repay the favor
I tell her to be careful since the world comes to an end
three blocks to the east of where we stand. Then
I remind her as long as there is a ’59 Cadillac parked
somewhere in a backyard between here and Boise
she will dance again.

As she leaves content with her dog, its tail wagging
like gossip, I am convinced now more than ever
that I once held hundreds of roses in my hands
the first time I cut open a pomegranate.

--Kevin Pilkington, "Pomegranate"

fanfic, ah nostalgia, new job second floor, april is poetry month

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