and we bid farewell to another curling season

Mar 27, 2017 02:22

curling season is now over for me. :( tonight was the last game and we won! shocker. (seriously.) i made some good shots, i missed some shots, and i fell on my ass. >.< i liked my team this half and i think i might have actually learned something, possibly, but mostly it was fun. even when we lost.

elementary was likewise fun. i mean, pirates! they were chasing a sunken pirate treasure! that was enjoyable. i have a question about shinwell, tho. so he did shoot jameel (i probably totally mangled the spelling), on orders from sbk, because the guy's death was part of a deal? and shinwell was just lied to about why? and is justifiably pissed at sherlock for digging into a past event he doesn't need to think about? because i imagine there's some guilt there, if he killed a guy he loved under false pretenses.

but mostly, pirates!

my freezer is now full of plastic containers of chicken soup and shredded chicken. i'm prepared for cold and crappy weather. bring it on, mother nature!

and finally, my bigbang is 20k! barely. i think it's almost finished (well, the first draft is almost finished) but i also think it needs more in the middle, possibly the beginning. in any case, i need to add something somewhere. but i passed 20k! which is a relief.

elementary, food, bigbang 2017, curling

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