yesterday we got SNOW. have i mentioned that it was very exciting? it was very exciting. :D even tho i was out and about it in and dealing with the wind. >.< i met
tamalinn and she picked up a new pair of glasses and i got my comics and girl scout cookies (peanutbutter patties) and we had lunch and i waited for the bus for almost an hour before giving up and walking home.
the first obligatory snow pic of the season:
today it was sunny and cold and the snow was SO PRETTY. i went to the coffeehouse down the street to work on my bigbang (and was only moderately productive, because i have no idea what i'm doing) and saw one of the tax interns from work! it's so weird to see work people out of context. she apparently doesn't live that far from me.
my first game as actual cop show on ice vice went ok! i made a couple of good shots and fell over a bunch of times. >.< (i wear kneepads when i curl, otherwise i look like i've been punched in both knees. they're very helpful when you lose your balance and fall over a lot.) my skip knows what he's doing, which is helpful since i kind of don't. the skip on the other team was wearing a t-shirt that said "hedgehogs. why don't they just share the hedge?" with a drawing of a hedgie saying "no". it was very cute. we tied, which was ok, and mostly i don't think i embarrassed myself too badly.