consequently i had freeze frame stuck in my head for HOURS

Dec 04, 2016 02:02

at some point before 7:45 thursday morning, someone hit my car where it was parked on the sidewalk. :| they left a note - "please call me, thank you, angel" - with a phone number, so i called, left a voicemail, and... never heard back. :| so i called my insurance company, they're going to send an inspector on monday to assess the damage (probably something more detailed than just "the front bumper needs to be replaced", which it does), ideally i'll be able to take it in and get it back before i go to north carolina in two weeks. (two weeks!) but what a pain in the ass. and my poor car! i was complaining to coworker d and said i didn't want to have to drive it anywhere, and she said why, is it that badly damaged? and i said no, i didn't think so, it was just embarrassing. sigh. (it is driveable. i had to take my rent to the landlady thursday night, and today i went to the laundromat. but it's damaged! the bumper is pulling away from the frame!)

so that was my exciting thursday and friday. :| on friday afternoon, when i hadn't heard from the inspector and hadn't heard from the inspector and hadn't heard from the inspector, i tried to call him and discovered that my work phone was dead. :| it fixed it and i called the inspector, but STILL.

on the other hand, last night my sister and i met for dinner (i had fish tacos and they were DELISH) and saw a play - bedroom farce, which was funny. so that was a good thing.

today i did laundry (clean clothes, yay), went to primark to get some long-sleeve t-shirts (the only ones in my size were black or white, which i already have and don't need), went to the shmancy grocery store near primark for a snack (monkey bread!), bought holiday cards (with snow!), bought comics (saga! monstress!), picked up a book i ordered (connie willis' passage, which dear-tiger recced and which is a massive paperback), took myself out for dinner (ramen! takoyaki!), and watched supergirl from last week.

i also didn't exactly meet peter wolf, of j geils band fame, but he came into the comic shop while i was there to retrieve something the owner was holding for him. he's taller on tv. but skinny in real life. and now i can say i kindofsortof met him and he knows the guy who owns my local comic shop. (i don't know if he actually reads comics, but apparently he comes in occasionally to shoot the shit.)

my tiny show is breaking my heart. :( it's already into episode 9 (out of 10) and i have no idea how they're going to end it so the cute boys in love get a happy ending.

now i'm watching a very silly christmas movie with christian kane, which i am only watching because, well, he's cute and i'm easy.

this is apparently why women made their own clothes in the 20s. i mean, $48 for a day dress was a lot of money.

beaver breaks into store, finds fake christmas trees, proceeds to trash the place. the suspect attempted to flee - wouldn't you? - but was apprehended.

peter wolf, my poor car, historical clothes, wildlife, fun with my sister, chris kane, tiny show

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