happy birthday
halfshellvenus! fellow friend of the penguin. :D also baker of the nifty birthday cake and writer of the short fic. here's to someone else making the cake this time.
dancing boys: *waltz around the room*
sure, why not. :D
a thing i forgot to mention about my parents' (former) temple - in the ladies' room, on the backs of the stall doors, they have little posters advertising a domestic abuse hotline, and the information is exceptionally gender-neutral. they're addressed to "you" ("does your partner treat you this way") and refer to your partner, not boyfriend/husband or even just "spouse". (because this is massachusetts and we've had same-sex marriage since 2004.) it made me wonder if there are equivalent signs in the men's room.
i got everything done on my to-do list this weekend - to be fair, it was a short list - including curling at 8:30. EIGHT-THIRTY. ON A SUNDAY NIGHT. i hate late draw. hate. it. (a game lasts two hours, then both teams sit and schmooze and drink, and then it takes me half an hour to get home.) we lost, too, altho not as badly as we did last week. if trends continue, we'll lose by only one or two points this coming sunday, or we could even win! oooh.
at some point this afternoon everyone in tax totally vanished, and i realized i was sitting in the cube farm all by myself. it was CREEPY. there was a training or something that i didn't have to go to, and that's where they all were. when i got back from lunch all the overhead lights were off because they're motion-sensitive, and when there's no one up there, there's no motion. that was creepy too. on the other hand, i could do a lot of nothing for a couple hours without having to worry about anyone standing behind me.
my favorite kind of political post:
a discussion of donald trump's badly-fitting suits. i'm amazed that a man who professes to have that much money can have such badly-fitting suits. does he not buy expensive suits and get them tailored? does said tailor not know what they're doing? i don't understand.
also this:
normal people protest trump by not buying his brand. not just folks refusing to buy trump ties or trump wine, but a group of guys who take a yearly trip to one of his resorts to play golf have changed the venue this year and are going somewhere else. and they would've spent a nice chunk of change on the donald's property.
this nifty computer-generated reconstruction shows you the inside of a house in pompeii, before it was buried by volcano. now you too can see how the upper crust lived.
frances goldin and her "i adore my lesbian daughters" sign. she's been carrying it at new york pride for thirty years. sometimes people will come up to her and ask her to write or call their parents, and she does.
virtual reality sky projected inside a church, on the ceiling.
spectacular cave art found in spain - etchings, rather than paintings. they're up to 14,500 years old and include lions, of all things, among the bison and horses and goats. lions and bison and goats, oh my!
one way to make it easier for humans to colonize mars
is by 3-d printing everything. because it's so expensive to send stuff to another planet, and because if something breaks or wears out you can't just buy a new one, 3-d printing could be a cheap and easy solution. now we just have to figure out how to use what's already on mars to feed the printers.
a really lovely story about two women on a date, an asshole, and the fabulous waitstaff at the bar.