today's random discovery at the parents' house was a letter in the inner pocket of my grandpa's american legion uniform jacket. it was from a guy who had belonged to the same american legion post, but had moved to ohio and wanted to transfer his membership. it was actually a really nice letter - he'd known grandpa for like twenty years, for as long as they'd both been in the american legion, and would miss him and the rest of the post. (grandpa was newly the commander of the post.) the letter must have gotten wet at some point - i think the jacket must have been cleaned - because it had that smudgy, wrinkly look paper gets after it's gotten wet and then dried out, and the envelope was a little fuzzy around the edges. you couldn't read anything written on the creases of the paper, but you could read the rest of it. with the letter was also a long strip of paper that seemed to be kind of a program from an armistice day (now veterans day) observance - an invocation, a display of the colors, remarks from a bunch of people, singing of america the beautiful, etc etc. we figured armistice day, 1946. super cool, all of it.
i didn't do any sorting or anything, so that was the sum total of nifty. mostly i went over to eat lunch and do laundry.
because i mentioned it before, here's the picture
with the lunch:
my dad scanned it as a pdf. >.< so it's not the best picture.
and here's a random photo of my grandma with her own editorial comment.
what's the best way to share a playlist on lj? asking for my bigbang. :D